Текст песни
It s only an illusion but it seems to be okay, i hate the consequences
it s easy when tomorrow never comes
i hate the consequences
No doubt in mind, all ups and downs, it s only an illusion but it seems to be ok
the hardest part is waking up one day
Tomorrow never comes, it s easy when tomorrow never comes Isma-Ae, i hate the consequences
Tomorrow never comes, the hardest part is waking up one day
It s easy when tomorrow never comes, and now decay is here to stay
It s easy when tomorrow never comes, all ups and downs Comes, i hate the consequences
the hardest part is waking up one day
and now decay is here to stay
I see the angels fly, all ups and downs
All drowns in pain, it s only an illusion but it seems to be ok
no doubt in mind
And i never want to see, i hate the consequences, it s only an illusion but it seems to be okay
it s easy when tomorrow never comes
i ve seen my anger die
I hate the consequences, no doubt in mind Comes, i see the angels fly
Everything hurts, swallow it all, it s easy when tomorrow never comes
Swallow it all, it s easy when tomorrow never comes
It s easy when tomorrow never comes, it s easy when tomorrow never comes, the hardest part is waking up one day
i ve seen my anger die
I hate the consequences, it s easy when tomorrow never comes Jerome, all ups and downs
I m running wild, it s easy when tomorrow never comes Comes, i hate the consequences
It s only an illusion but it seems to be okay, the hardest part is waking up one day, all ups and downs
It s only an illusion but it seems to be ok, i ve seen my anger die
The hardest part is waking up one day, what used to be is just a memory
I hate the consequences, swallow it all
no doubt in mind
All drowns in pain, all drowns in pain
It s easy when tomorrow never comes, i m running wild
Let s drink out every cup, let s drink out every cup Tomorrow, i hate the consequences
Everything hurts, the hardest part is waking up one day Jerome, what used to be is just a memory