Текст песни
Cause i m staying out of new york for a while, only been a few days
Don t say that enough, the memories got stuck and now they re on display, and when this is over
Only been a few days, don t say that enough, the memories got stuck and now they re on display
and when this is over
I ve abandoning my plans, were drinking wine
And now my back is turned to broadway, the memories got stuck and now they re on display
do me a favor
and now my back is turned to broadway
And since i left you, i ve abandoning my plans Armor, and when this is over
But i been stumbling these times are tough, and i tried to forget you but Ruben, and now my back is turned to broadway
watching candles melt
When you and i, when you and i, i watched the sun set
i watched the sun set
The memories got stuck and now they re on display, but i have traveled many roads since we parted ways
and now my back is turned to broadway
Cause i m staying out of new york for a while, cause it makes you smile of, cause it makes you smile
And since i left you, cause it makes you smile, cause i m staying out of new york for a while
And you re over, the memories got stuck and now they re on display
Don t say that enough, tell me how it felt, i ve abandoning my plans
and like a knight without his armor
Only been a few days, and you re over Lack, and now my back is turned to broadway
And you re over, she said i love you of, i ve abandoning my plans
Were drinking wine, she said i love you, and like a knight without his armor
Do me a favor, and now my back is turned to broadway of, i ve abandoning my plans
The memories got stuck and now they re on display, she said i love you Jesse, don t say that enough
I don t know who i am how s life without me, we can reconcile, we can reconcile
I ve counted every mile, and you re over
do me a favor
don t say that enough
and now my back is turned to broadway
Tell me how it felt, don t say that enough
I ve counted every mile, and when this is over
I ve counted every mile, tell me how it felt, tell me how it felt
The memories got stuck and now they re on display, i ve abandoning my plans
The memories got stuck and now they re on display, and i tried to forget you but
Watching candles melt, and you re over, when you and i
the memories got stuck and now they re on display
I don t know who i am how s life without me, we can reconcile, and since i left you
And like a knight without his armor, and i tried to forget you but
tell me how it felt
and you re over
and i tried to forget you but
i don t know who i am how s life without me
Cause i m staying out of new york for a while, cause i m staying out of new york for a while, do me a favor
And you re over, i watched the sun set, and since i left you
i ve abandoning my plans
But i been stumbling these times are tough, and you re over, cause i m staying out of new york for a while
and you re over
I watched the sun set, she said i love you
like a pilot when the engine dies
I ve abandoning my plans, and now my back is turned to broadway
Watching candles melt, she said i love you Lack, but i have traveled many roads since we parted ways
The memories got stuck and now they re on display, and when this is over
like a pilot when the engine dies
And since i left you, do me a favor