Текст песни
side other side
Need newsfeed, stand with the lies that you hide from the soldiers Regime, stand in the light of the damned and the blight
float in the gas that you sold to insurgents
smile and condemn what you wrought by short sight
side other side
beat the glory gong
Stand in the light of the damned and the blight, smile in the smoke gusting forth to conceal you Decapitating, side other side
keep the narrative strong
Time just bide, never renege on a boast, preach false creed
float in the gas that you sold to insurgents
stand with the lies that you hide from the soldiers
Light in the sky writes them out of existence, need newsfeed
Beat the glory gong, smile and be damned as you stand in the light
Side other side, stand with the lies that you hide from the soldiers Jucifer, never renege on a boast
Never renege on a boast, side other side, time just bide
keep the enemy close
Keep the narrative strong, preach false creed
Cut the lines you cast, stand in the light of the damned and the blight
Side other side, stand with the lies that you hide from the soldiers
Keep the enemy close, side other side Regime, never renege on a boast
Preach false creed, side other side
Light in the sky writes them out of existence, float in the gas that you sold to insurgents, side other side
Smoke billows out like a gift from a sadist, never renege on a boast Decapitating, fine line described
Stand with the lies that you hide from the soldiers, smile and be damned as you stand in the light, fine line described
Need newsfeed, preach false creed
smoke billows out like a gift from a sadist
Time just bide, beat the glory gong
Light in the sky writes them out of existence, never knowing doubt Regime, photoshopping the past
photoshopping the past
smoke billows out like a gift from a sadist
preach false creed
fine line described
Rush to lead the charge, smile and condemn what you wrought by short sight
Photoshopping the past, smile and condemn what you wrought by short sight
Fine line described, keep the enemy close
Light in the sky writes them out of existence, rush to lead the charge, smile and condemn what you wrought by short sight
Keep the narrative strong, rush to lead the charge, float in the gas that you sold to insurgents
Smile in the smoke gusting forth to conceal you, maintain illusions false reasons to fight, smile and condemn what you wrought by short sight
Smile and condemn what you wrought by short sight, keep the enemy close Jucifer, cut the lines you cast
Deal from a deck drenched in blood of innocents, light in the sky writes them out of existence
Rush to lead the charge, cut the lines you cast Jucifer, float in the gas that you sold to insurgents
Smoke billows out like a gift from a sadist, light in the sky writes them out of existence, rush to lead the charge
light in the sky writes them out of existence
Cut the lines you cast, smile and condemn what you wrought by short sight
Side other side, preach false creed
Keep the enemy close, side other side
never renege on a boast
rush to lead the charge
Beat the glory gong, deal from a deck drenched in blood of innocents Jucifer, light in the sky writes them out of existence
Beat the glory gong, stand with the lies that you hide from the soldiers Regime, light in the sky writes them out of existence
light in the sky writes them out of existence
smile in the smoke gusting forth to conceal you
deal from a deck drenched in blood of innocents
light in the sky writes them out of existence
Float in the gas that you sold to insurgents, photoshopping the past Regime, smoke billows out like a gift from a sadist
Stand in the light of the damned and the blight, preach false creed
Smile and be damned as you stand in the light, maintain illusions false reasons to fight, rush to lead the charge
Never renege on a boast, maintain illusions false reasons to fight, fine line described