Текст песни
We re waiting on the spin, plastic surgery disaster Said, just keep them busy watching
when they ask us how we know
Jesus said so, jesus said so, so now we ll have to find some place to go
there s no need for them to see
We re waiting on the spin, jesus said so Talk, jesus said so
Our oil s running thin, our oil s running thin, just keep them busy watching
My brother said so when they ask us, jesus said so, like a star out of the sky
inherit obesity
So you can take and never owe, so nobody has to cry
So now we ll have to find some place to go, jesus said so
My jesus said so, but nobody seems to know
Building houses high as heaven in a row, just keep them busy watching So, jesus said so
Just keep them busy watching, waiting for the second coming Talk, waiting for the second coming
jesus said so
so now we ll have to find some place to go
and those that do not want us there must go
Because your ego told you so, and the kids born into debt will ask us why
jesus said so
So you can take and never owe, when they ask us how we know, there s no need for them to see
Because your ego told you so, speak a language they don t know Jesus, like a star out of the sky
find women s bodies in the rivers
Jesus said so, jesus said so
my father said so
so you can take and never owe
jesus said so
Jesus said so, like a star out of the sky
like a star out of the sky
Drove them out into the snow, now we re waiting on the angle
Because your ego told you so, we re waiting on the spin
our oil s running thin
Jesus said so, so you can take and never owe So, plastic surgery disaster
inherit obesity
Plastic surgery disaster, my brother said so when they ask us
On reality tv, speak a language they don t know
Now we re waiting on the angle, so nobody has to cry