Текст песни
That ain t true at all, soulfull people and a captivated mind Kalle, that ain t true at all
Heads shall bow, soulfull people and a captivated mind Entering, thanx shall be given for the works he has done
Spiritual presence is just one essence, one great i-sense of life Baah, thanx shall be given for the works he has done
Realistic natural mystic, here today and gone tomorrow, that ain t true at all
Everyone is looking out for them selves, when this reggae ambassador entering zion
Thanx shall be given for the works he has done, can not predict can not pre-organize
Thanx shall be given for the joy and the time, can not predict can not pre-organize, when one stumble and fall before ya eyes
Hard to realize, that is life
Struggle and strife, run up and down
Spiritual presence is just one essence, everyone would like to care for all the rest Entering, everyone would like to care for all the rest
Hard to realize, spiritual presence is just one essence, which is babylon
spiritual presence is just one essence
When this reggae ambassador entering zion, struggle and strife, one great i-sense of life
Run up and down, one day here and next day absent
Everyone would like to care for all the rest, that ain t true at all, thanx shall be given for the works he has done
run up and down
nobody cares
Can not predict can not pre-organize, spiritual presence is just one essence Entering, nobody cares
that ain t true at all
Which is babylon, one day here and next day absent Entering, when this reggae ambassador entering zion
Here today and gone tomorrow, that ain t true at all, one day here and next day absent
Nobody cares, heads shall bow, hard to imagine
When one stumble and fall before ya eyes, never see a brother about to fall, when this reggae ambassador entering zion
Struggle and strife, when this reggae ambassador entering zion, never see a brother about to fall
When this reggae ambassador entering zion, never see a brother about to fall
When this reggae ambassador entering zion, heads shall bow Zion, here today and gone tomorrow
Cares for someone else, that ain t true at all Baah, never want to see a brother fail the test
That ain t true at all, can not predict can not pre-organize Kalle, when one stumble and fall before ya eyes
Struggle and strife, in weh we live, never want to see a brother fail the test
Hard to realize, thanx shall be given for the works he has done
Soulfull people and a captivated mind, hard to imagine
Heads shall bow, that is life, when this reggae ambassador entering zion
That ain t true at all, that ain t true at all
Everyone is looking out for them selves, one great i-sense of life
Hard to imagine, one day here and next day absent, cares for someone else
Nobody cares, thanx shall be given for the joy and the time
struggle and strife
Cares for someone else, hard to imagine
Thanx shall be given for the joy and the time, when one stumble and fall before ya eyes, one great i-sense of life
that ain t true at all
In weh we live, when this reggae ambassador entering zion
Never want to see a brother fail the test, one great i-sense of life, spiritual presence is just one essence
everyone would like to care for all the rest
Realistic natural mystic, one great i-sense of life
one great i-sense of life
Hard to realize, that is life, when this reggae ambassador entering zion
Hard to imagine, when this reggae ambassador entering zion, here today and gone tomorrow
That ain t true at all, hard to realize, one great i-sense of life
when this reggae ambassador entering zion
Never want to see a brother fail the test, everyone is looking out for them selves
struggle and strife
Thanx shall be given for the joy and the time, hard to realize
hard to imagine
Everyone want to care and give their best, that ain t true at all Kalle, when this reggae ambassador entering zion
That ain t true at all, soulfull people and a captivated mind
Struggle and strife, run up and down Zion, everyone want to care and give their best
Everyone would like to care for all the rest, hard to imagine
In weh we live, can not predict can not pre-organize, everyone is looking out for them selves
Heads shall bow, one great i-cense of life Entering, realistic natural mystic