Текст песни
Just to torture me, why do i crave you, can i be the kind of girl
We know they never last, wish i could escape you
just to torture me
forbidden fruit
wish i could escape you
walking through the desert
so i camouflage
why do i crave you
But it s just a dream, why do i crave you, still a million miles away
Why is love so cruel, why did god make you
Feels like eternity, why is love so cruel, why do we chase rainbows
forbidden fruit
Can i be the kind of girl, why do i crave you
I long to taste you, so i camouflage, but it s just a dream
But it s just a dream, the things that we can t have, forbidden fruit
Forbidden fruit, feels like eternity Springs, we know they never last
why did god make you
Just to torture me, forbidden fruit Kandace, forbidden fruit
Why did god make you, why did god make you
Why do we chase rainbows, why did god make you
feels like eternity
But it s just a dream, that goes with breaking rules
Wish i could escape you, i long to taste you
Just to torture me, but it s just a dream Forbidden, just one drop of you
The things that we can t have, it can never be, why do i crave you
Wish i could escape you, we know they never last Kandace, why do i crave you
Love won t set me free, walking through the desert
just to torture me
Still a million miles away, so i camouflage Forbidden, why do we want most
I close my eyes and i m flying free, the words that i can t say
the things that we can t have
Forbidden fruit, but it s just a dream
Why do we chase rainbows, i close my eyes and i m flying free, why is love for fools
Forbidden fruit, why do we want most
It can never be never be, just to torture me Kandace, love won t set me free
wish i could escape you
Just to torture me, forbidden fruit, it can never be
Walking through the desert, why do i crave you Kandace, forbidden fruit
forbidden fruit
Forbidden fruit, love won t set me free Springs, i long to taste you
why do we chase rainbows
Wish i could escape you, love won t set me free
But it s just a dream, why do we want most
The things that we can t have, we know they never last, close enough to touch
We know they never last, but love won t set me free Kandace, so i camouflage