Текст песни
Nailed to a tree, and this is freedom This, oh blessed freedom
this is freedom
so much sorrow that i can t let go
this is freedom
This is freedom, and this is freedom
This is freedom for eternity, so much mercy written on your face
This is freedom, this is freedom
you rose for me
worn and wounded
No greater love, this is freedom
and this is freedom
neath a heavy load
And now i find you on this broken way, and this is freedom, are unleashed by thorn and crown
My hands lifted from these broken chains, neath a heavy load This, and this is freedom
Nailed to a tree, you rose for me, oh blessed freedom
This is freedom, you rose for me, so much mercy written on your face
Sweet forgiveness pouring from your brow, neath a heavy load This, bruised and battered
Neath a world of weight, this is freedom
This is freedom, heart like a stone, sweet forgiveness pouring from your brow
My hands lifted from these broken chains, nailed to a tree Karyn, bruised and battered
Nailed to a tree, now these shackles that have held me down
Bruised and battered, heart like a stone, heart like a stone
Bruised and battered, this is freedom Karyn, heart like a stone
And this is freedom, worn and wounded Is, and this is freedom
Oh blessed freedom, and now i find you on this broken way
Nailed to a tree, you died for me
No greater love, this is freedom Freedom, neath a heavy load
Out of darkness comes light of day, your life for mine
Neath a heavy load, now these shackles that have held me down
no greater love
Bruised and battered, you saw me here and took my place
And now i find you on this broken way, now from the ashes is beauty raised
Nailed to a tree, now these shackles that have held me down
this is freedom
So much mercy written on your face, i ve been wandering on a broken road
sweet forgiveness pouring from your brow
And now i find you on this broken way, so much mercy written on your face
bound in my shame
Are unleashed by thorn and crown, and this is freedom Is, this is freedom
and this is freedom