Текст песни
So fuck it the shepard guts and hits the stomach, the lamb is in danger King, if it means dying upset to travel
For god thought of the world that he gave his, each time that jesus is hit
he does love it but god said cut it
Hope they can get to speaking but no one would give a reason, crosses crucified for men, he grabs the sun picks up the moon
Ghayril maghdu bi alayhim waladdallin, if it means dying upset to travel, so much suffering i can t believe
siratalladhina an amta alayhim
the bleeding s intense
What s the real meaning of this, it s like a fetus been ripped
each time that jesus is hit
Blessed to see epic battles, appointed as a soldier for god, strap on bombs and die for him
But this was meant to happen in the scriptures but with different matches, yes i am right here Gordy, repent full sins or replace where you ve been
yes the beatings begin
Ghayril maghdu bi alayhim waladdallin, what s the real meaning of this
Arrahmanirrahim, the lamb is in danger
For angels told the stranger that it needs the blood from it, who s dissapointed Allah, siratalladhina an amta alayhim
allah versus christ
Yes i am right here, there s a shepard and a lamb in a manger
While there is tension between muslim and the christian, congregation
Crosses crucified for men, allah versus christ
Don t you ever let someone tell you that jesus did not die for, for god thought of the world that he gave his vs., there s a shepard and a lamb in a manger
That you are god s children, no breaks sometimes so violent i cry tears
Alhamdulillahi rabbil alamin, strap on bombs and die for him
was 13 when i first seen it now i m 83
For god thought of the world that he gave his, that you are god s children King, that s over a hundred of millions of light years
Blessed to see epic battles, for angels told the stranger that it needs the blood from it
Ass up you done started muhammad islamic, only these opponents cause commotions
one of our lords are doomed
Maybe if we see the arab in the mighty jew, alhamdulillahi rabbil alamin
Malikiyaw middin, satan was supposed to be in action King, yes the beatings begin
So much suffering i can t believe, allah versus christ
that you are not washed in the blood of the lamb
For whoever believed in him, he does love it but god said cut it
Strap on bombs and die for him, ass up you done started muhammad islamic, congregation
Only these opponents cause commotions, each time that jesus is hit
that s over a hundred of millions of light years
Blessed to see epic battles, he does love it but god said cut it
Congregation, to win souls cause them folks change when the wind blows, both of them middle eastern
Satan was supposed to be in action, well allah is he s sick of jesus
For angels told the stranger that it needs the blood from it, only these opponents cause commotions
That s over a hundred of millions of light years, alhamdulillahi rabbil alamin
Alhamdulillahi rabbil alamin, right out of a women s womb Allah, maybe if we see the arab in the mighty jew
Strap on bombs and die for him, repent full sins or replace where you ve been, what s the real meaning of this
Each time that jesus is hit, as legends capture moments so holy, don t you ever let someone tell you that jesus did not die for
repent full sins or replace where you ve been
For god thought of the world that he gave his, so fuck it the shepard guts and hits the stomach, to win souls cause them folks change when the wind blows
Fight to death praise me, congregation
ass up you done started muhammad islamic
Repent full sins or replace where you ve been, but this was meant to happen in the scriptures but with different matches Gordy, congregation
Both of them middle eastern, yes the beatings begin, yes i am right here