Текст песни
That s where i know i ll find him resting, when i come to the spot where he s sleeping Wells, of americans who all died true and brave
Why cross three thousand miles of rolling waves, that s where i know i ll find him resting
Of americans who all died true and brave, my darling was killed in action, of americans who all died true and brave
tell him that i love him and will until i die
Of americans who all died true and brave, when i come to the spot where he s sleeping Soldiers', somewhere here among these many thousands
I m searching for his grave, but i ll long to be by his side once more and tell him
of americans who all died true and brave
somewhere here among these many thousands
That s where i know i ll find him resting, when i come to the spot where he s sleeping Grave, like many others
that s where i know i ll find him resting
Why cross three thousand miles of rolling waves, i m searching for his grave, that s where i know i ll find him resting
my darling was killed in action
Tell him that i love him and will until i die, of americans who all died true and brave
why cross three thousand miles of rolling waves
I m searching for his grave, i know it will cause more heartaches inside
somewhere here among these many thousands
of americans who all died true and brave
I m searching for his grave, that s where i know i ll find him resting
Of americans who all died true and brave, tell him that i love him and will until i die
That s where i know i ll find him resting, my darling was killed in action, i know it will cause more heartaches inside
I m searching for his grave, somewhere here among these many thousands
But i ll long to be by his side once more and tell him, when i come to the spot where he s sleeping, that s where i know i ll find him resting
Why i made this journey, but i ll long to be by his side once more and tell him, i m searching for his grave
Why cross three thousand miles of rolling waves, of americans who all died true and brave, of americans who all died true and brave
but i ll long to be by his side once more and tell him
Somewhere here among these many thousands, i know it will cause more heartaches inside
that s where i know i ll find him resting
I m searching for his grave, that s where i know i ll find him resting
Why cross three thousand miles of rolling waves, but i ll long to be by his side once more and tell him, of americans who all died true and brave
tell him that i love him and will until i die
i know it will cause more heartaches inside
Of americans who all died true and brave, that s where i know i ll find him resting for, tell him that i love him and will until i die
like many others
Somewhere here among these many thousands, i m searching for his grave
I m searching for his grave, like many others
But i ll long to be by his side once more and tell him, of americans who all died true and brave
Why cross three thousand miles of rolling waves, why i made this journey Grave, that s where i know i ll find him resting
I m searching for his grave, why i made this journey Grave, that s where i know i ll find him resting