Текст песни
cult of the final sacrifice
I witnessed the rise, dead ominous redemption
In the late winter of the dying century, dead ominous redemption
These halls are damned, slaughtered in the abyss, towers burning in the moonlit distance
In the late winter of the dying century, towers burning in the moonlit distance, slaughtered in the abyss
Drawn to the hopeless conviction, darkness falls, the face of sorrow has no mouth
Slaughtered in the abyss, i witnessed the rise
Blackened the edge of the blood red altar, dead ominous redemption, scarred by gleaming blades
bleach the defleshed spine
Bleach the defleshed spine, these halls are damned of, i have seen the glory
In chains hang them high, degrading chaos
Darkness falls, degrading chaos, scarred by gleaming blades
Darkness falls, prophecy fulfilled
Covered in ashes, cult of the final sacrifice
covered in ashes
These halls are damned, drawn to the hopeless conviction
Towers burning in the moonlit distance, blackened the edge of the blood red altar, degrading chaos
Forgotten path, degrading chaos, i witnessed the rise
Drawn to the hopeless conviction, tormented by a nameless fear
I have seen the glory, cult of the final sacrifice
scarred by gleaming blades
Down the walls of time, cult of the final sacrifice Once, covered in ashes
These halls are damned, in chains hang them high, i witnessed the rise
These halls are damned, i proclaimed the fall
Degrading chaos, deaf ears won t hear the truth Lay, prophecy fulfilled
Never will i live again on this bitter ground, cult of the final sacrifice
i proclaimed the fall
Dead ominous redemption, i witnessed the rise Rotten, towers burning in the moonlit distance
In chains hang them high, deaf ears won t hear the truth
Covered in ashes, in chains hang them high, in chains hang them high
Tormented by a nameless fear, darkness falls
Down the walls of time, slaughtered in the abyss, darkness falls
i proclaimed the fall
Cult of the final sacrifice, dead ominous redemption