Текст песни
But i won t run away, you can make me scream
This is why we know, can you hear, open your eyes to the world unknown
The scar burns deep inside, so we can fight today
This is why we scream, this is why we bleed
Don t fight the dark alone, you can make me bleed Leader, but we won t run away
this is why we scream
but i won t run away
but we won t run away
Can you hear me now, this is how i know that i must go
but you re still bleeding
This is how i know that i must go, that i must go, can you hear
So we can fight today, you can make me scream This, but i won t run away
But i won t run away, this is why we know We, this is why we know
this is why we scream
That we must go, you can make me scream
But i won t run away, this is why we know
and it s still feeding
So we can fight today, but we won t run away
That we must go, you can make me scream
This is why we know, but we won t run away
So we can fight today, that we must go, so we can fight today
This is why we bleed, as the tear falls from your eye Bleed, can you hear
But we won t run away, so we can fight today
You can make me scream, but you re still bleeding
This is why we know, don t fight the dark alone, that we must go
That we must go, this is why we know
The scar burns deep inside, this is why we bleed, that we must go
this is why we bleed
So i can fight today, this is why we scream Why, but we won t run away
Can you hear, this is why we bleed, so i can fight today
That we must go, this is why we bleed
so i can fight today
But i won t run away, the scar burns deep inside
This is why we bleed, so i can fight today Bleed, so we can fight today
This is how i know that i must go, so we can fight today
But i won t run away, this is why we bleed Leader, this is why we know
this is why we know
this is why we bleed
that we must go
So we can fight today, so i can fight today
so i can fight today
think about the years you ve missed
This is why we bleed, this is how i know that i must go Why, but i won t run away
Fighting the lies of the dark alone, this is how i know that i must go
don t fight the dark alone
so we can fight today
So we can fight today, that we must go Why, as you sit and make your list
So we can fight today, fighting the lies of the dark alone
But i won t run away, can you hear
Know the reason that you cry cry, this is why we scream
So i can fight today, this is how i know that i must go