Текст песни
when i was down and filled with doubt
Counting the days, give to one another
Counting the days, give to one another, we made it through the year
We can hang it up together, and we made it through the year, when i was down and filled with doubt
Dance the way we want, sit back and celebrate when christmas time is near
So we put it in a song, snuggle through the weather
There s been times before you wish for so much more, it s so good to be here
So we put it in a song, there s been times before you wish for so much more, so we put it in a song
snuggle through the weather
So we put it in a song, give to one another
It s so good to be here, turn the fire on baby Becky, give to one another
Counting the days, when i was down and filled with doubt
Dance the way we want, snuggle through the weather Stirling,, we can hang it up together
dance the way we want
Counting the days, turn the fire on baby
Under the mistletoe, put the star on the tree
turn the fire on baby
Snuggle through the weather, so we put it in a song
Give to one another, let the record spin while dancing next to me keep me warm from the snow
it s so good to be here
Snuggle through the weather, let the record spin while dancing next to me keep me warm from the snow Stirling,, when i was down and filled with doubt
Give to one another, turn the fire on baby
Let the record spin while dancing next to me keep me warm from the snow, counting the days, let the record spin while dancing next to me keep me warm from the snow
Give to one another, so we put it in a song, dance the way we want
Turn the fire on baby, waited all year, snuggle through the weather
counting the days
waited all year
So we put it in a song, so we put it in a song C’mon, we can hang it up together
Snuggle through the weather, turn the fire on baby
We can hang it up together, snuggle through the weather
and we made it through the year
so we put it in a song
Waited all year, let the record spin while dancing next to me keep me warm from the snow Stirling,, we made it through the year
Turn the fire on baby, counting the days
It s so good to be here, dance the way we want
Turn the fire on baby, turn the fire on baby, turn the fire on baby
Put the star on the tree, there s been times before you wish for so much more C’mon, give to one another