Текст песни
Stormy weather, everything i had is gone Stormy, walk in the sun once more
Rain pourin down, gloom and misery everywhere, stormy weather
There s no sun up in the sky, if he stays away All, life is bare
i walk around
Rain pourin down, don t know why, keeps rainin all the time
since my man and i ain t together
since my man and i ain t together
Keeps rainin all the time, keeps rainin all the time
The blues walked in and met me, i m weary all the time
stormy weather
the blues walked in and met me
there s no sun up in the sky
Stormy weather, when he went away
Keeps rainin all the time, keeps rainin all the time
Just can t get my poor self together, beatin and spatterin drives me mad
Keeps rainin all the time, don t know why
Keeps rainin all the time, since my man and i ain t together
Stormy weather, keeps rainin all the time
I m still feelin bad, rain pourin down
Keeps rainin all the time, since my man and i ain t together
Stormy weather, there s no sun up in the sky
Rain pourin down, stormy weather
i m still feelin bad
Don t know why, gloom and misery everywhere, this misery is just too much for me
Keeps rainin all the time, i m weary all the time Stormy, since my man and i ain t together
Since my man and i ain t together, i walk around
Keeps rainin all the time, walk in the sun once more, when he went away
this misery is just too much for me
I m still feelin bad, since my man and i ain t together, all i do is pray the lord above will let me
Stormy weather, i m weary all the time, just can t get my poor self together
Stormy weather, gloom and misery everywhere
I walk around, just can t get my poor self together, there s no sun up in the sky
Keeps rainin all the time, i walk around
keeps rainin all the time
Just can t get my poor self together, stormy weather
Stormy weather, since my man and i ain t together