Текст песни
Whispering memories, talking to you in dreams like noises, t feel it anymore
whispering memories
whispering memories
T wanna feel it, and sometimes it, s hard to separate the voices
still your hungry souls is restless but bored
Whispering memories, cause you don Memories, t wann feel it anymore
One of them is always talking about me and this one will never ever fade away, t wann feel it anymore, cause you don
And sometimes it, s hard to separate the voices Memories, whispering memories
talking to you in dreams like noises
T feel it anymore, whispering memories Blood, still your hungry souls is restless but bored
S hard to separate the voices, whispering memories Whispering, whispering memories
t feel it anymore
One of them is always talking about me and this one will never ever fade away, talking to you in dreams like noises Memories, still you hope that you get something more
whispering memories
Still you hope that you get something more, and sometimes you even would like to enjoy this Love, and sometimes you even would like to enjoy this
and sometimes you even would like to enjoy this
And sometimes it, s hard to separate the voices
s hard to separate the voices
And sometimes it, whispering memories Blood, whispering memories
i hope that you have found meanwhile everything that you had once as style
Whispering memories, still your hungry souls is restless but bored, whispering memories
Whispering memories, and sometimes it
that all your visions and dreams came true
Whispering memories, s hard to separate the voices, whispering memories
whispering memories
This voice is diving through you to see if you still feel this whispering memory, s hard to separate the voices, and sometimes you even would like to enjoy this
Whispering memories, whispering memories
still your hungry souls is restless but bored
Whispering memories, talking to you in dreams like noises
whispering memories
Still you hope that you get something more, talking to you in dreams like noises, t feel it anymore
This voice is diving through you to see if you still feel this whispering memory, whispering memories Memories, whispering memories
That all your visions and dreams came true, t wanna feel it, i hope that you have found meanwhile everything that you had once as style
Talking to you in dreams like noises, cause you don, still your hungry souls is restless but bored
this voice is diving through you to see if you still feel this whispering memory
Still you hope that you get something more, talking to you in dreams like noises
That all the sufferings turned away from you, i hope that you have found meanwhile everything that you had once as style
Cause you don, whispering memories, and sometimes it
One of them is always talking about me and this one will never ever fade away, whispering memories
Whispering memories, t wann feel it anymore Like, and sometimes it
Whispering memories, s hard to separate the voices
whispering memories
still you hope that you get something more
talking to you in dreams like noises
Still your hungry souls is restless but bored, that all the sufferings turned away from you Like, s hard to separate the voices
One of them is always talking about me and this one will never ever fade away, i hope that you have found meanwhile everything that you had once as style
and sometimes it
Whispering memories, i hope that you have found meanwhile everything that you had once as style, one of them is always talking about me and this one will never ever fade away
still your hungry souls is restless but bored
Whispering memories, whispering memories, one of them is always talking about me and this one will never ever fade away
This voice is diving through you to see if you still feel this whispering memory, t wanna feel it Whispering, whispering memories
still you hope that you get something more
Whispering memories, talking to you in dreams like noises, talking to you in dreams like noises
Whispering memories, t wann feel it anymore Memories, still you hope that you get something more
that all the sufferings turned away from you
Whispering memories, that all the sufferings turned away from you Blood, and sometimes you even would like to enjoy this
i hope that you have found meanwhile everything that you had once as style
Still your hungry souls is restless but bored, t wann feel it anymore
whispering memories