Текст песни
more valuable than diamonds
There were almost four hundred until the black day, they were pretty to look at and marbles
Where there used to be colours and sound, i miss it not rattling around
there were almost four hundred until the black day
I miss it not rattling around, we played all the summer days
does anyone see
More valuable than diamonds, i swear that i had it before
They brought admiration and fame, in case he can find me some more Marbles, we played all the summer days
In the stony alleyways, did anyone see
Did anyone see my last marble, if you used them for tennis instead of a ball
I d smashed all the greenhouses on the estate, if you used them for tennis instead of a ball, there were almost four hundred until the black day
Whacked with a racket up into the blue, that disappeared over the years
Zinging glass satellites crueller than fate, i choked back the tears Marillion, as it rolled out and over the floor
More magical than diamonds, i hung onto a handful of favourites Marillion, we would trade the coloured glass
More magical than diamonds, did anyone see, i swear that i had it before
it fell through a hole in the corner
whacked with a racket up into the blue
As i lie in my bed there s a space in my head, more magical than diamonds IV, i hung onto a handful of favourites
I discovered how high they would fly to the sky, as i lie in my bed there s a space in my head
When i was a child i had marbles, zinging glass satellites crueller than fate, more valuable than diamonds
I discovered how high they would fly to the sky, does anyone see, did anyone see my last marble
That was almost the end of my marbles, more valuable than diamonds
Sometimes i think i should go see a shrink, we would trade the coloured glass
As i lie in my bed there s a space in my head, when i was a child i had marbles, now i don t have no proof
If you used them for tennis instead of a ball, and a crowd formed a queue at the gate Marillion, i d saved it to give it away
That was almost the end of my marbles, they were pretty to look at and marbles
I choked back the tears, i swear that i had it before Marbles, where there used to be colours and sound
Zinging glass satellites crueller than fate, i choked back the tears, i discovered how high they would fly to the sky
Whacked with a racket up into the blue, was always my favourite game, that was almost the end of my marbles
I d smashed all the greenhouses on the estate, did anyone see
they brought admiration and fame
In the stony alleyways, does anyone see IV, we would trade the coloured glass