Текст песни
Fundamental side of a human mind, the crossing of the threshold, as the soldier walks thru the crimson side
Dry pale legs, fundamental side of a human mind Is, grown from the cold
Researchers of aftermath, language of the signs
Grown from the cold, one-toed horses subject of genesis Loose, scatter ash in the wind
dispelling disarming man
dealer of the days
Night s sea reflection, returning to the form of natural human s fate Is, language of the signs
The faces of bodies slain, hide the skin
danger all the way
guardian to thy throne
Researchers of aftermath, hulder folk and fairies
the hero of the gods
Fierce lore of fanged horn, the belly of the whale, researchers of aftermath
The faces of bodies slain, dealer of the days, night s sea reflection
fundamental side of a human mind
Dry pale legs, the belly of the whale
The hero of the gods, refusal of return
Grown from the cold, the belly of the whale, spirits unclean
take on form
and the immigrants
the belly of the whale
Fundamental side of a human mind, hide the skin Loose, night s sea reflection
The hero of the gods, dispelling disarming man
Dry pale legs, fierce lore of fanged horn, the hero of the gods