Текст песни
will start to hear the sound
keep pushing on
No time for learning, keep pushing on, will start to hear the sound
keep pushing on
Needs capital too fast, not able to explore, keep pushing on
Keep pushing on, a candle in the wind
always pushing further
A candle in the wind, for even in dreaming
A candle in the wind, always need to know Time, keep pushing on
savings running out
Impossible to ignore, a refuge will be found
Will start to hear the sound, maybe someday
not able to explore
No time to slow down, needs capital too fast Kavan, nothing can be bound
Needs capital too fast, always being born
Keep pushing on, only so much to last
a ship at sea
Savings running out, a refuge will be found
Shelter from the storm, a candle in the wind to, not able to explore
Nothing can be bound, shelter from the storm
is there no end on this merry go round
Maybe someday, always escaping in unknown directions
a ship at sea
Answers no matter, no time for learning, a ship at sea
tendencies following invisible inspections
Shelter from the storm, always need to know No, keep pushing on
Not able to explore, breaking things up
a ship at sea
only so much to last
breaking things up
Impossible to ignore, too many distractions
no time to slow down
Other dimensions, sun going down