Текст песни
This is the place, nobody to teach, plateau has a moat
Just about there, will i find it today
Nobody to teach, changing with seasons Matt, except when i m dreaming
Keeping eyes open, nothing to bind, could be the weather
flicking the light
Sparks on the fly, except when i m dreaming, staring at the sky
Going a bit further, at least some say Now, testing the nerves
Hearing a cheer, nothing to trace
Just about there, to lay down and die
Try looking under, never escape
Keeping eyes open, flicking the light, shouldn t be much longer
never escape
Nowhere to go, the you to know Matt, the you to know
Nothing to bind, setting up a tent Kavan, never escape
the highest of odds
Nobody to teach, the smell in the air
traveling to a place
a crowded ticket station
Nowhere to go, maybe the trees
hearing a cheer
Setting up a tent, perhaps the people Matt, nothing to bind
Nothing to bind, nothing to bind
behind is a theft
Nothing to bind, no takers to bet
staring at the sky
waking up again
This is the place, changing with seasons
This is the place, getting busy looking, this is the place
nothing to trace