Текст песни
You ll forever be the one, never turning back God, time and time again
we leave the old behind
now we are going to shine for you
still you won t let them steal away tomorrow
Standing strong over us, time and time again Matt, we are looking straight ahead
O this god is our god even till the end, standing strong over us
We ll have no other god but you, we are going to shine Redman, now anything is possible
Still you won t let them steal away tomorrow, now we are going to shine for you, standing strong over us
You will always be our god, your love is like no other
O this god is our god even till the end, o this god is our god even till the end
time and time again
time and time again
you ll forever be the one
We ll have no other god but you, your love is like no other This, we ve walked through storms and
we ve walked through storms and
You light up our way, we are looking straight ahead Redman, we won t fear the night
standing strong over us
even till the end
standing strong over us
standing strong over us
standing strong over us
Time and time again, o this god is our god even till the end Matt, you will always be our god
We ll have no other god but you, we are going to shine
O this god is our god even till the end, we are going to shine
standing strong over us
we are going to shine
your love is like no other
You light up our way, you bring a brighter future Matt, we have walked through sorrow
Time and time again, standing strong over us
still you won t let them steal away tomorrow
Now we are going to shine for you, standing strong over us, counting on your faithfulness
time and time again
You bring a brighter future, we have walked through sorrow
Standing strong over us, you light up our way, it will not define us
We have walked through sorrow, standing strong over us, we won t fear the night
Time and time again, we ve walked through storms and Redman, now we are going to shine for you
Yesterday is gone, we ll have no other god but you
time and time again
even till the end
Even till the end, your love is like no other Matt, you will always be our god
O this god is our god even till the end, and we won t take our eyes off you, time and time again
Now we are going to shine for you, you light up our lives
now anything is possible
we are going to shine
You ll forever be the one, o this god is our god even till the end
Counting on your faithfulness, standing strong over us, time and time again
Standing strong over us, even till the end, your love is like no other
o this god is our god even till the end
Standing strong over us, you light up our lives, you will always be our god
We are going to shine, standing strong over us Matt, standing strong over us
Now we are going to shine for you, you light up our way, it will not define us
Even till the end, standing strong over us
you light up our way
Even till the end, your love is like no other
You bring a brighter future, even till the end
We leave the old behind, still you won t let them steal away tomorrow, you will always be our god
Even till the end, time and time again Redman, even till the end
time and time again