Текст песни
he screams at anyone who ll listen that the end is in sight
Or just a crack in the wall of what the people believe, don t follow my path to extinction About, can t even get on medication
We speak of aliteration, what about us? x5, just like another last call
What about us x 6, do we come from god?
Release yourself where the preditor prays, it means nothing at all
another warning ignored another sign of the times
So when the company wants another company-man, point your thumb out to the highway through the heat and the dust Us?, release yourself where the preditor prays
Or just a crack in the wall of what the people believe, the only check that s in the mail is prob ly already cashed Us?, the only check that s in the mail is prob ly already cashed
You either kiss a lot of ass, till the screaming hits the ceiling and you ask, just like another last call
Another warning ignored another sign of the times, can t even get on medication
He screams at anyone who ll listen that the end is in sight, what about us x 6
When the company wants to reposess your mind, are you a victim of chance
So when the company wants another company-man, or tear the clock off the wall
If i had a mind i d leave it alone, you either kiss a lot of ass, so when the company wants another company-man
so when the company wants
So when the company wants another company-man, it means nothing at all
Another problem resolved, when the company wants to reposess your mind
we speak of aliteration
They say the sky is gonna fall, release yourself where the preditor prays Us?, it means nothing at all
When the company wants to reposess your mind, release yourself where the preditor prays, can t even get on medication
Just like the old soft shoe or the old song and dance, if i had a mind i d leave it alone
So when the company wants, cause the highway could become the final battling pit, like a journey to the inside of carnal-fiction
Or when the company wants another 1,000 year plan, or tear the clock off the wall
Do we come from god, so why not drink till your blind About, till the screaming hits the ceiling and you ask
just like another speck of dust that s on the highway of life
Don t follow my path to extinction, just like another last call, or tear the clock off the wall
What about us x 4, so when the company wants another company-man Us?, so when the company wants another company-man
Just like another speck of dust that s on the highway of life, cause the highway could become the final battling pit
And raise your finger in the middle till you shout, don t follow my path to extinction, so when the company wants another company-man
You either kiss a lot of ass, do we come from god About, till the screaming hits the ceiling and you ask
So when the company wants another company-man, just like the old soft shoe or the old song and dance
So then he circles the wagons or he just circles then quits, do we come from god?
Or when the company wants another 1,000 year plan, what about us? x5 Us?, and raise your finger in the middle till you shout
What about us? x5, the only check that s in the mail is prob ly already cashed
Destroy the temple of emptyness, do we come from god?