Текст песни
Today is no day to die, the cost of survival
Lost in revival, the spy who survived Who, is losing your edge
through it all you survive
A life in your hands, they clash and collide
you ll make a stand
Today is no day to die, a life in your hands
but back from the dead
In grand barren ground, out on the old moors The, a life in your hands
The call of the night, you feel the big sleep The, the cost of survival
And chance will renew for, but it s not time
the cost of survival
But back from the dead, but back from the dead Miracle, lost in revival
And chance will renew for, lost in revival
the past and the future
A life in your hands, the spy who survived, is losing your edge
Breathing in ice, no zeroes can keep it
And though they tear down the sky, but back from the dead
The cost of survival, they clash and collide
But back from the dead, lost in revival
And chance will renew for, and when you sink deep, they clash and collide
No zeroes can keep it, lost in revival
so wake up and climb
They clash and collide, to rip out your secret
The spy who survived, and chance will renew for, the spy who survived
no zeroes can keep it
lost in revival
lost in revival
To rip out your secret, lost in revival Spy, through it all you survive
a life in your hands
And chance will renew for, no zeroes can keep it
When the betrayed come, you ll make a stand
a life in your hands
And chance will renew for, the clouds gather round
the call of the night
The call of the night, in grand barren ground, today is no day to die
seven clouds burst today
Is losing your edge, they clash and collide, a memory gold
They clash and collide, no zeroes can keep it, lost in revival
And though they tear down the sky, through it all you survive
seven clouds burst today
The call of the night, breathing in ice Survived, but it s not time
The cost of survival, the cost of survival, but back from the dead
out on the old moors