Текст песни
For in the morning will bring the light, descending angel
Guard the gates of hell just one more night, guard the gates of hell just one more night
descending angel
No savior has been sent, descending angel
They hide in shadows, descending angel, and soon you ll be alone
Born and created in the image of a god, guard the gates of hell just one more night Misfits, they hide in shadows
they fall from the sky
And face the night, mortal life is brief for the rebel angels Descending, mortal life is brief for the rebel angels
Torn from the heavens, stand by my side Descending, guard the gates of hell just one more night
no one to guide us
They hide in shadows, no one to guide us Misfits, no savior has been sent
Guard the gates of hell just one more night, torn from the heavens Misfits, guard the gates of hell just one more night
Descending angel, stand by my side
Alone we face the night, no savior has been sent
They make their final stand, descending angel
descending angel
descending angel
and soon you ll be alone
and soon you ll be alone
And face the night, torn from the heavens
Alone we face the night, we ll face the night Misfits, stand by my side
Can t hold back the demons, and walk the streets among mortal men
They make their final stand, the blood pours as rain
for in the morning will bring the light
Descending angel, the heavens fall
We ll face the night, and soon you ll be alone
No one to guide us, mortal life is weak
guard the gates of hell just one more night
No savior has been sent, alone we face the night
the blood pours as rain