Текст песни
Did you want to pull the strings, did you want to pull the strings
Come touch with broken skin, i pray these wounds will never hurt, i wanna be myself
Bitter enemy of this, and punish this
Bitter enemy of this, come touch this broken skin, my gravest sin
my gravest sin
My gravest sin, come touch with broken skin
Weak and obsolete, did it not consider you Skin, is it killing you
My gravest sin, you can never let this go your superficial mind torments you so bow down and admit defeat
did it not obey you
Did it not please you, bitter enemy of this
did it not please you
i pray these wounds will never hurt
You can never let this go your superficial mind torments you so bow down and admit defeat, my broken skin
am i somebody else
is it killing you
Is it killing you, i pray these wounds will never hurt, did it not consider you
Does it bother you, does it bother you, did it not please you
Come touch with broken skin, am i somebody else
My broken skin, i pray these sores will never heal Mortiis, does it anger you
Come touch this broken skin, i pray these wounds will never hurt, did it not care for you
Weak and obsolete, did it not please you, i ve gone too far
And punish this, come touch this broken skin
I ve gone too far, did you want to pull the strings
Does it bother you, did it not consider you, become the master of all things
Did it not obey you, come touch with broken skin
Does it anger you, does it bother you Broken, is it killing you
did it not please you
Am i somebody else, come touch this broken skin, i pray these sores will never heal
become the master of all things
Does it bother you, come touch this broken skin, i pray these sores will never heal
come touch with broken skin
I ve gone too far, i pray these sores will never heal, does it bother you
Come touch with broken skin, i pray these sores will never heal, i pray these wounds will never hurt
My broken skin, i pray these sores will never heal Broken, does it anger you
Did you want to pull the strings, weak and obsolete
weak and obsolete
Does it bother you, i pray these sores will never heal
I pray these wounds will never hurt, did it not obey you Skin, am i somebody else
bitter enemy of this
Did it not please you, does it anger you, my gravest sin
My broken skin, my gravest sin Broken, i ve gone too far
You can never let this go your superficial mind torments you so bow down and admit defeat, gone too far
Does it bother you, gone too far
Weak and obsolete, become the master of all things
i ve gone too far
I pray these sores will never heal, i ve gone too far
Come touch this broken skin, i ve gone too far
you can never let this go your superficial mind torments you so bow down and admit defeat
And punish this, i pray these wounds will never hurt
I pray these wounds will never hurt, come touch with broken skin
did it not consider you