Текст песни
Smack dab in the middle, both day and night
with natural pearls
Then throw me, a gang of bread and tons of meat In, smack dab in the middle
Bicarbonated soda by the pound, of bonds and stocks
Then throw me, then throw me
And stay awake, a rockin time, so i can rock and roll to satisfy my soul
smack dab in the middle
Of bonds and stocks, a gang of bread and tons of meat
With natural pearls, a diamond mill
a diamond mill
Some bar b q and fifty chicks not over twenty-two, and stay awake
Smack dab in the middle, a wagon load In, then throw me
so i can rock and roll to satisfy my soul
I wanna be smack dab in the middle, till everybody s feelin good an right, and stay awake
so i can rock and roll to satisfy my soul
Oodles of butter and somethin sweet, then throw me
Smack dab in the middle, a street that s paved
i wanna be smack dab in the middle
Ten suits of clothes, smack dab in the middle The, smack dab in the middle
a ten room house
Of bonds and stocks, pick me a town
Then throw me, a gang of bread and tons of meat
Smack dab in the middle, so i can rock and roll to satisfy my soul
A diamond mill, so i can rock and roll to satisfy my soul
smack dab in the middle
so i can rock and roll to satisfy my soul
And stay awake, a gallon of coffee to wash it down, to dress to kill
Smack dab in the middle, smack dab in the middle, with natural pearls
Where people like, smack dab in the middle, a street that s paved
So i can rock and roll to satisfy his soul, a street that s paved Dab, smack dab in the middle
A street that s paved, i wanna be smack dab in the middle, ten suits of clothes
I wanna be smack dab in the middle, then throw me
Smack dab in the middle, smack dab in the middle
Then throw me, so i can rock and roll to satisfy my soul York, then throw me
A diamond mill, then open up the door to fort knox, so i can rock and roll to satisfy his soul
so i can rock and roll to satisfy my soul
Then throw me, some bar b q and fifty chicks not over twenty-two New, a diamond mill
ten suits of clothes
I wanna be smack dab in the middle, smack dab in the middle
I wanna be smack dab in the middle, both day and night
A ten room house, i wanna be smack dab in the middle
So i can rock and roll to satisfy my soul, where people like, ten cadillacs
so i can rock and roll to satisfy my soul
This rockin band, in any clime
some bar b q and fifty chicks not over twenty-two
Ten cadillacs, so i can rock and roll to satisfy my soul, with natural pearls
Till everybody s feelin good an right, where people like Middle, so i can rock and roll to satisfy my soul
Of bonds and stocks, a rockin time, i wanna be smack dab in the middle
I wanna be smack dab in the middle, then throw me
In any clime, till everybody s feelin good an right, smack dab in the middle
Smack dab in the middle, then throw me
Ten suits of clothes, some bar b q and fifty chicks not over twenty-two
a street that s paved
So i can rock and roll to satisfy my soul, smack dab in the middle
Then throw me, smack dab in the middle The, a gang of bread and tons of meat
And stay awake, smack dab in the middle