Текст песни
Let s get that home run, let s get that home run Nice, let s get our pizza
Let s get that home run, right is suicide
Let s get that home run, let s get our pizza
let s get that home run
Right is suicide, let s get that home run
Left is right, let s get that home run, let s get that home run
Right is suicide, end is suicide
Right is suicide, left is right As, left is right
let s feel that magic
End is suicide, left is right
Let s get that home run, let s get that home run
Left is right, when we fight Fuck, end is suicide
Let s get that home run, let s get that home run
let s get that home run
Let s get that home run, let s feel that magic Fuck, let s get that home run
let s get that home run
Let s get that home run, let s get that home run
Let s get that home run, right is suicide
Let s get that home run, let s get that home run, let s get that home run
Left is right, let s get that home run
end is suicide
End is suicide, let s feel that magic
Let s get that home run, let s get that home run As, let s get that home run
let s feel that magic
Right is suicide, let s get that home run
let s feel that magic
Let s get that home run, let s get that home run Fuck, right is suicide
Let s get that home run, left is right, let s get that home run
Let s get that home run, let s feel that magic
Let s get that home run, let s get that home run, end is suicide
End is suicide, end is suicide, when we fight
right is suicide
Let s get that home run, right is suicide, right is suicide
right is suicide
Let s feel that magic, end is suicide As, let s get that home run
Let s get that home run, right is suicide, right is suicide
Let s get our pizza, left is right
Let s get that home run, right is suicide
left is right
Let s get our pizza, let s get that home run, let s get that home run
Right is suicide, let s get that home run
Right is suicide, let s get that home run, let s get our pizza
Left is right, let s get that home run, right is suicide
let s get that home run
Let s get that home run, right is suicide
Let s get that home run, let s get that home run, when we fight