Текст песни
Pieces you d tie back when we made love, like all the wild hair that grows from your follicles Lockets, pieces you d tie back when we made love
And diseased, to tuck away in the locket that i wear Hair, when you re old
But bits of you will be existing on, i ve been collecting pieces of your hair, pieces that i ll always hold onto
When you re old, the pretty strands that grew in your youth, now slipped away where they loyally wait
You ll be dead and embalmed, pretty strands that grew in your youth Nicole, you always said you hated the things you can t control
the pretty strands that grew in your youth
Cut with dull scissors and tied with a ribbon, pieces that i ll always hold onto
When you re old, i ll still have parts of your young body
The rest of you now decomposing, i ve been collecting pieces of your hair
And diseased, i ve been collecting pieces of your hair
You ll be dead and embalmed, cut with dull scissors and tied with a ribbon Nicole, you ll be dead and embalmed
pieces you d tie back when we made love
You always said you hated the things you can t control, now slipped away where they loyally wait, but bits of you will be existing on
The rest of you now decomposing, pretty strands that grew in your youth
Like all the wild hair that grows from your follicles, will never dry or disintegrate
pieces that i ll always hold onto
To tuck away in the locket that i wear, sweeter than a vial of your blood, pieces that i ll always hold onto
Now slipped away where they loyally wait, i ll still have parts of your young body, i ve been collecting pieces of your hair
To tuck away in the locket that i wear, to tuck away in the locket that i wear
Now slipped away where they loyally wait, and diseased
Pieces that i ll always hold onto, i ll still have parts of your young body, the pretty strands that grew in your youth
Sweeter than a vial of your blood, curated under the glass of my pendant
You always said you hated the things you can t control, the one you lived in when you loved me
sweeter than a vial of your blood
Pieces you d tie back when we made love, the one you lived in when you loved me
Pieces that i ll always hold onto, i ve been collecting pieces of your hair
Cut with dull scissors and tied with a ribbon, pretty strands that grew in your youth
I ll still have parts of your young body, now slipped away where they loyally wait
pieces that i ll always hold onto
Like all the wild hair that grows from your follicles, the pretty strands that grew in your youth Hair, the one you lived in when you loved me
Pretty strands that grew in your youth, you always said you hated the things you can t control Lockets, the pretty strands that grew in your youth
now slipped away where they loyally wait
and diseased
curated under the glass of my pendant
to tuck away in the locket that i wear
The pretty strands that grew in your youth, and diseased Dollanganger, pieces that i ll always hold onto
When you re old, pieces that i ll always hold onto Lockets, i ve been collecting pieces of your hair
Will never dry or disintegrate, the rest of you now decomposing, pieces that i ll always hold onto
to tuck away in the locket that i wear
Will never dry or disintegrate, you ll be dead and embalmed, you ll be dead and embalmed
i ll still have parts of your young body
But bits of you will be existing on, to tuck away in the locket that i wear
but bits of you will be existing on
Sweeter than a vial of your blood, you ll be dead and embalmed, the one you lived in when you loved me
Pretty strands that grew in your youth, to tuck away in the locket that i wear
To tuck away in the locket that i wear, you always said you hated the things you can t control
But bits of you will be existing on, i ve been collecting pieces of your hair
The one you lived in when you loved me, when you re old Lockets, like all the wild hair that grows from your follicles
i ve been collecting pieces of your hair
The rest of you now decomposing, the pretty strands that grew in your youth
i ve been collecting pieces of your hair
Pieces that i ll always hold onto, pieces that i ll always hold onto
will never dry or disintegrate
To tuck away in the locket that i wear, pieces that i ll always hold onto, to tuck away in the locket that i wear
I ll still have parts of your young body, pieces that i ll always hold onto
You ll be dead and embalmed, pieces that i ll always hold onto
the pretty strands that grew in your youth
and diseased
now slipped away where they loyally wait