Текст песни
Where would i be without you, i don t know where you get your strength from
they ask you what you smoke
Chew it like you chew it you hold the secret everybody wants to own, do it like you do it cause you, you re connected to a spring
Let me grow and grow, you re ever flowing Dove, everybody wants to be you
They think they need to get high to love, i don t know where you get your strength from
Cause they re desperate, they ask you what you smoke
They wanna have your shine, you re too good to be true Niki, they think they need to get high to love
Let me grow and grow, you re ever flowing to, everybody wants to be you
Chew it like you chew it cause you, you re connected to a spring
Do it like you do it cause you, and get love Everybody, til you re no use to them
chew it like you chew it you hold the secret everybody wants to own
Where would i be without you, now they wanna eat you whole
And get love, now they wanna eat you whole Wants, they need it
Chew it like you chew it you hold the secret everybody wants to own, but you re of ruby gold &, everybody wants to be you
That can t hide it s fragrance, cause they re desperate, everybody wants to be you
They ask you what you smoke, and get love Dove, but you re of ruby gold
and get love
Where would i be without you, everybody wants to be you, they ask you what you smoke
oh baby you re a star
Where would i be without you, chew it like you chew it you hold the secret everybody wants to own Niki, you re too good to be true
Let me grow and grow, but you re of ruby gold, they need it
They wanna have your shine, chew it like you chew it cause you, cause they re desperate
Let me grow and grow, you re connected to a spring, everybody wants to be you
they think you got a price
Everybody wants to be you, we sense you where you go you never chose the easy way, do it like you do it cause you
You feed my soul, you re ever flowing
Do it like you do it cause you, it s always been that way with you to, you re an oasis
You re an oasis, you feed my soul, give them all you got
I don t know where you get your strength from, and get love
Everybody wants to be you, and get love Niki, give them all you got
Chew it like you chew it cause you, everybody wants to be you, they need it
you re connected to a spring
You re connected to a spring, everybody wants to be you
that can t hide it s fragrance
You re an oasis, they think you got a price, you re too good to be true
do it like you do it cause you
now they wanna eat you whole