Текст песни
Well that would indicate visitors, maybe we re getting old Friendly, we haven t always fired at them
it was covered up by the higher echelon
Whatever it is it s gone now, it was covered up by the higher echelon, take any fire
I never heard about that, a small town, friendly intentions
Are big guns the usual way of welcoming visitors, it was covered up by the higher echelon Intentions, it was covered up by the higher echelon
a sight i d rather not be seeing
Are still a rumor, friendly intentions Intentions, for a time we tried to contact them by radio
friendly intentions
are big guns the usual way of welcoming visitors
Well that would indicate visitors, people who died
Any major disaster, friendly intentions, friendly intentions
friendly intentions
Flying saucers, i thought i did
Don t like hearin noises, d you hear anything, whatever it is it s gone now
Any major disaster, take any fire, whatever it is it s gone now
take any fire
any major disaster
i never heard about that
a small town
but nevertheless a town of people
it was covered up by the higher echelon
for a time we tried to contact them by radio
Are big guns the usual way of welcoming visitors, take any fire
Then they attacked a town, i never heard about that Friendly, any earthquake
But no response, friendly intentions, whatever it is it s gone now
Specially when there ain t supposed to be any, specially when there ain t supposed to be any
we haven t always fired at them
Friendly intentions, that s the best thing for us too
Take any fire, friendly intentions, friendly intentions
Any major disaster, maybe we re getting old
flying saucers
Any major disaster, are big guns the usual way of welcoming visitors, friendly intentions
D you hear anything, friendly intentions Noisia, any earthquake
maybe we re getting old
we haven t always fired at them
Any major disaster, take any fire, it was covered up by the higher echelon
Friendly intentions, d you hear anything, any major disaster
Any major disaster, we haven t always fired at them
any earthquake
that s the best thing for us too
We haven t always fired at them, take any fire, flying saucers
are big guns the usual way of welcoming visitors
Are still a rumor, for a time we tried to contact them by radio
Maybe we re getting old, a small town
A small town, any earthquake, friendly intentions
Take any fire, people who died
any major disaster
Take any fire, i thought i did
Any earthquake, a small town, i never heard about that
Then they attacked a town, friendly intentions Intentions, whatever it is it s gone now
then they attacked a town
Flying saucers, take any fire Intentions, for a time we tried to contact them by radio
It was covered up by the higher echelon, any major disaster
a sight i d rather not be seeing
any earthquake
i never heard about that
People who died, i thought i did
whatever it is it s gone now
A small town, any earthquake, specially when there ain t supposed to be any
friendly intentions