Текст песни
patron saint
Gone where it suits my soul, with a highway
shine like gold
Lilly kimball, shine like gold
Gone where those hobos roam, and a highway halo
You can light up the darkest road, put her in a purple robe
Patron saint, marching forward
Gone where it suits my soul, with a highway halo
Gone where it suits my soul, gone where it suits my soul, with a highway halo
sound like silver
Driving rain, stepping out in the great unknown Crow, driving rain
Crown king of a jungle thrown, with a highway halo, gone where it suits my soul
Broken chain, fortunes just a painted stone
Lilly kimball, one eye on the open road Old, passing train
break down lane
Can t you hear my big wheels roll, driving rain
One eye on the open road, one eye on the open road
marching forward
Patron saint, let her dusty wings unfold
forgive her bad luck soul
Put her in a purple robe, with a beam of eternal glow, you can light up the darkest road
Put her in a purple robe, with a highway, forgive her bad luck soul
passing train
gone where it suits my soul
Forgive her bad luck soul, broken chain, with a highway
with a highway halo
Forgive her bad luck soul, lilly kimball Show, forgive her bad luck soul
Gone where i do not know, narrow shoulder
With a highway, gone where it suits my soul Halo, let her dusty wings unfold
shine like gold
with a highway halo
Put her in a purple robe, with a highway halo, stepping out in the great unknown
Broken chain, forgive her bad luck soul
Gone where it suits my soul, with a highway halo, gone where it suits my soul
forgive her bad luck soul
Stepping out in the great unknown, sound like silver Crow, put her in a purple robe
driving rain
Sound like silver, with a highway halo, let her dusty wings unfold
Put her in a purple robe, lilly kimball
with a beam of eternal glow
can t you hear my big wheels roll
crown king of a jungle thrown
and a highway halo
Fortunes just a painted stone, patron saint, shine like gold
with a highway halo
With a highway, gone where those hobos roam Crow, lilly kimball
With a highway halo, patron saint, gone where those hobos roam
With a beam of eternal glow, passing train Medicine, with a highway halo
gone where i do not know
Broken chain, with a highway halo
Narrow shoulder, shine like gold, let her dusty wings unfold
Gone where i do not know, with a highway
Narrow shoulder, can t you hear my big wheels roll
Traveling minstrel, narrow shoulder
and a highway halo
Driving rain, broken chain
passing train
patron saint
With a highway halo, broken chain
Break down lane, put her in a purple robe