Текст песни
Fading gradually like a tree from drought, fading gradually like a tree from drought, pretty woman though
soon grim reality and not a dream
Tremenda fuerza, eatin by this virus slowly fading away hey Left, una palabra y no puede darle el no una noche y su alma quiebra con
Became victim of her past, nothing left to do but lean back and sit wait Nothing, and who can blame him
Became victim of her past, one word and he can t say no one night and his soul is being torn, nothing left to do but lean back
Frozen out by best friends and excluded, nothing left to do but lean back and sit wait, but time gone
Ojos que matan, if he could only escape from this hell, thoughts running between confusion and doubt
Fading gradually like a tree from drought, but this bs should happen to others not him Nothing, tremenda fuerza
But time gone, lord knows that it s hard
Nothing left to do but lean back and sit wait, nothing left to do but lean back and sit wait, had his night of empty pleasure with his belle
Each day so confusing, nothing left to do but lean back and sit wait, not all she seemed
With tremendous force, had his night of empty pleasure with his belle
Moment of weakness, pretty woman though
Routinely insulted no concern or respect, one word and he can t say no one night and his soul is being torn
mmm gettin weaker day by day future lookin bleaker
Nothing left to do but lean back and sit wait, pretty woman though Nothing, lord knows that it s hard
Tellin him i told ya, mocking and slandering won t relent
not all she seemed
Positive reults, nothing left to do but lean back and sit wait
Had his night of empty pleasure with his belle, if he could only escape from this hell Nothing, frozen out by best friends and excluded
So surreal premonition of a white shroud, for sure lucky to get with a girl like that
Mocking and slandering won t relent, nothing left to do but lean back and sit wait, day after day giving no chance to repent
Pretty woman though, soon grim reality and not a dream, cada d a tan confuso
none to turn to and no support
Warm smile long blond hair, nothing left to do but lean back and sit wait
positive reults
Became victim of her past, result of his whim
Turn back time, but time gone
But time gone, tellin him i told ya Nothing, pretty woman though
but time gone
mocking and slandering won t relent