Текст песни
For a moment, someone to hold the hands of time
someone to hold the hands of time
all of your flowers fade to fake
feel an echo of a voice you used to know
Someone to hold the hands of time, now a vision opened as it closed
in some kind of strange life
What do you see, someone to hold the hands of time
What did you see, emotion rather slow
Only shadows in a missing picture show, in some kind of strange life
Twenty-four frames go by, what do you see
Another hour seemed to glow, what do you see PacificUV, what do you see
Twenty-four flowers rearranged, someone to move the hands of time, twenty-four frames go by
what did you see
After the dream you are awake, in some kind of strange life, open curtain
Another hour seemed to glow, another hour seemed to glow Frames, another hour seemed to glow
In some kind of strange life, now a vision opened as it closed, after the dream you are awake
Someone to hold the hands of time, someone to move the hands of time, open curtain
twenty-four frames go by
Someone to hold the hands of time, what did you see
twenty-four frames go by
Open curtain, in some kind of strange life
What did you see, someone to hold the hands of time
Twenty-four frames go by, after the dream you are awake
Twenty-four frames go by, for a moment
What did you see, open curtain, another hour seemed to glow
What did you see, in some kind of strange life
Someone to hold the hands of time, twenty-four frames go by, twenty-four frames go by
Twenty-four frames go by, for a moment Frames, for a moment
After the dream you are awake, twenty-four frames go by
What do you see, all of your flowers fade to fake, twenty-four flowers blow away
only shadows in a missing picture show
In some kind of strange life, after the dream you are awake, twenty-four flowers blow away
Now a vision opened as it closed, now a vision opened as it closed
After the dream you are awake, in some kind of strange life
Someone to hold the hands of time, twenty-four flowers blow away
What did you see, twenty-four flowers rearranged, someone to move the hands of time
In some kind of strange life, open curtain, every thread you ll never sew
twenty-four flowers rearranged
in some kind of strange life
after the dream you are awake
What did you see, someone to move the hands of time
Twenty-four flowers blow away, twenty-four flowers blow away
Every thread you ll never sew, someone to move the hands of time Frames, what do you see
Every thread you ll never sew, in some kind of strange life
another hour seemed to glow
after the dream you are awake
Only shadows in a missing picture show, now a vision opened as it closed
Twenty-four frames go by, someone to hold the hands of time, only shadows in a missing picture show
twenty-four flowers rearranged
All of your flowers fade to fake, twenty-four flowers rearranged, feel an echo of a voice you used to know
emotion rather slow
after the dream you are awake
Now a vision opened as it closed, only shadows in a missing picture show
twenty-four frames go by
what do you see
What do you see, someone to hold the hands of time
Twenty-four frames go by, twenty-four frames go by
Someone to hold the hands of time, someone to move the hands of time, after the dream you are awake
someone to hold the hands of time