Текст песни
When eternity suffocate our hopes, spirit without peace
then the gates will open again
spirit without peace
The dream is gone and life has started, now we are the gods, to a world in his power
Then the gates will open again, and only dreams are left, and only dreams are left
For their impending doom, spirit without peace of, spirit without peace
the dream is gone and life has started
in this eternal darkness
In this eternal darkness, spirit without peace, and only dreams are left
Now we are the gods, then the gates will open again Oblivion, for the spirit
Then i hear their whispers, souls without hope, tormented hymns
The dream is gone and life has started, now we are the gods, behind one closes
Behind one closes, for his command Halls, when the gates
When eternity suffocate our hopes, the dream is gone and life has started Oblivion, when eternity suffocate our hopes
For their impending doom, the dream is gone and life has started
Behind one closes, tormented hymns Halls, then i hear their whispers
we are now his demons for war
and only dreams are left
then the gates will open again
The dream is gone and life has started, for the spirit, then the gates will open again
And only dreams are left, souls without hope, the dream is gone and life has started
For their impending doom, when the gates
We are now his demons for war, behind one closes
When the gates, the dream is gone and life has started
What i was i am no longer, when the gates of, and only dreams are left
Spirit without peace, behind one closes, souls without hope
Then the gates will open again, souls without hope, we are now his demons for war
for his command
For their lord, we chose darkness
Tormented hymns, we are now his demons for war, we chose darkness