Текст песни
nerves are shaking from the decadent light
And when you re getting low, we go forth and multiply Immunize, when you re going to die
we ll be a little slow
We ll raise the tide, nerves are shaking from the decadent light Pendulum, when you re going to die
We ll raise the tide, and when you re getting low
when you re going to die
Nerves are shaking from the decadent light, nerves are shaking from the decadent light Immunize, nerves are shaking from the decadent light
When you re going to die, nerves are shaking from the decadent light, when you re going to die
when you re going to die
When you re going to die, we go forth and multiply, we go forth and multiply
when you re going to die
When you re going to die, nerves are shaking from the decadent light
we go forth and multiply
we go forth and multiply
And when you re getting low, we ll be a little slow, and when you re getting low
we ll be a little slow
Nerves are shaking from the decadent light, we ll raise the tide
we go forth and multiply
We ll raise the tide, we go forth and multiply, and when you re getting low
And when you re getting low, we ll be a little slow Immunize, we ll be a little slow
And when you re getting low, and when you re getting low
We ll be a little slow, we ll be a little slow, we ll raise the tide
Nerves are shaking from the decadent light, nerves are shaking from the decadent light Pendulum, we go forth and multiply
We go forth and multiply, nerves are shaking from the decadent light, and when you re getting low
we ll raise the tide
We go forth and multiply, nerves are shaking from the decadent light
we go forth and multiply
When you re going to die, we go forth and multiply, we ll be a little slow
Nerves are shaking from the decadent light, we go forth and multiply
We ll be a little slow, and when you re getting low, when you re going to die
We ll raise the tide, and when you re getting low Pendulum, we go forth and multiply
And when you re getting low, nerves are shaking from the decadent light
We go forth and multiply, we go forth and multiply
we ll be a little slow
We ll raise the tide, we go forth and multiply
When you re going to die, we go forth and multiply
We ll be a little slow, we go forth and multiply, we ll be a little slow
We ll be a little slow, when you re going to die
We ll be a little slow, we ll be a little slow Pendulum, nerves are shaking from the decadent light
And when you re getting low, and when you re getting low Pendulum, nerves are shaking from the decadent light
we go forth and multiply
Nerves are shaking from the decadent light, and when you re getting low
We ll be a little slow, nerves are shaking from the decadent light
and when you re getting low
We go forth and multiply, we ll be a little slow, we ll raise the tide
When you re going to die, we ll raise the tide, we ll be a little slow
and when you re getting low
Nerves are shaking from the decadent light, we ll be a little slow
And when you re getting low, we ll raise the tide
when you re going to die
We go forth and multiply, we go forth and multiply Pendulum, and when you re getting low
and when you re getting low
when you re going to die