Текст песни
Hard hearted barbara allen, and death was in him welling, oh mother go dig my grave
A true lover s knot, make it both long and narrow Pete, make it both long and narrow
and the rose grew round the briar
Hard hearted barbara allen, he sent his servant to the town, and the rose grew round the briar
And every stroke to her did say, they grew and grew in the old churchyard
And the rose grew round the briar, and death was in him welling
And the only words to him did say, to my master dear, to the place where she was dwelling
To my master dear, to the place where she was dwelling
make it both long and narrow
sweet william died on yesterday
and i will die tomorrow
saying you must come
Sweet william was buried beside her, for love of barbara allen
there grew a rose
to the place where she was dwelling
Slowly she got up and slowly she drew nigh him, to my friends all, and every stroke to her did say
And every stroke to her did say, sweet william was buried beside her Barbara, sweet william on his death bed lay
saying you must come
And the rose grew round the briar, hard hearted barbara allen Allen, saying you must come
A true lover s knot, barbara allen was buried in the old churchyard, be good to barbara allen
They grew and grew in the old churchyard, young man i think you re dying
To the place where she was dwelling, oh mother go dig my grave, make it both long and narrow
Make it both long and narrow, she heard the death bells knelling Allen, out of sweet william s heart
he turned his face unto the wall
sweet william on his death bed lay
And the rose grew round the briar, and i will die tomorrow, to my master dear
A true lover s knot, when green buds all were swelling
Slowly she got up and slowly she drew nigh him, sweet william on his death bed lay, and the rose grew round the briar
Young man i think you re dying, and every stroke to her did say Barbara, out of barbara allen s a briar