Текст песни
if that was this if that was this
Sip sip to get sober, see me rollin red cheeba cheeba i know you want it
and take another one
emotions are crystal clear
naturally saying dumb phrases that mean absolutely nothing
Sip sip to get sober, so we can get that feeling we were really born with PPL, can we handle that
Some call it buggin, imagine you can tell me how you feel, that the truth
and give your brother some
picture this we never ever die
Just to get that feeling we were really born with, and the boring est of guys were interesting in her eyes
emotions are crystal clear
See me rollin red cheeba cheeba i know you want it, just to get that feeling we were really born with Phony, that the truth
naturally saying dumb phrases that mean absolutely nothing
music by phonyppl
so we can get that feeling we were really born with
Or wanna switch it back ?, smoke to get sober To, if down was up
And give your brother some, can we handle this, music by phonyppl
That the truth, elbee thrie verse 2, would hot be cold
Can we handle that, what if we were born into a high
That the truth, if we walked on ceilings to look up at the floors Phony, and take another one
And take another one, can we handle this
Some call it trippin, and up was down
What if we were born into a high, smoke to get sober To, so he can get that feeling he was really born with
Elbee thrie verse 3, just to get that feeling we were really born with
You never made a sound, sip sip to get sober Smoke, would hot be cold
Picture this we never ever die, without wonder if its real
If down was up, would we love it, can we handle this
if we walked on ceilings to look up at the floors
is just a lie
I take a long hit, would we live in bliss
Smoke to get sober, picture this we never ever die, can we handle that
some call it trippin
and take another one
Elbee thrie verse 3, sip sip to get sober, some call it trippin
Smoke to get sober, that the truth, see me rollin red cheeba cheeba i know you want it
so we can get that feeling we were really born with
If we walked on ceilings to look up at the floors, so we can get that feeling we were really born with, just to get that feeling we were really born with
Just to get that feeling we were really born with, imagine that we hum a lullaby and we never wonder why
Would less be more, but we never were alive, you never made a sound
Without wonder if its real, that the truth