Текст песни
It s just a showy amen, there is gold where the cold button sits
Yes and cover my face, i will miss you, don t they roll oh oh oh
And i say yeah that s a pretty good trick, there is light that pours sweet from new hips Lights, truly i remain
After the cocaine lights, truly i remain
there is light that pours sweet from new hips
And to color my eyes into rose, there is light that pours sweet from new hips, in the darkness
til the glowing begins
It s just a showy amen, is to ask of my beaten bones
So i stand there and i listen, and more of feather Lights, but lord they re rolling me away
after the cocaine lights
Truly i am afraid, to be less of meat and stone Cocaine, and lord i truly am awake
There is light that pours sweet from new hips, don t they roll oh oh oh
there is gold where the cold button sits
Is to ask of my beaten bones, truly i am afraid Phosphorescent, it s just a showy amen
She says hey, so i stand there and i listen Cocaine, in the morning in the kitchen
is to ask of my beaten bones
To be less of meat and stone, and i say yeah that s a pretty good trick
Truly i remain, to be less of meat and stone, would you show me again
with no warning
After the cocaine lights, and to color my eyes into rose
In the morning in the kitchen, but lord they re rolling me away
would you show me again
more than ever
Ain t they rolling me away, ain t they rolling me away
There is light that pours sweet from new hips, in the morning in the kitchen
And lord i truly am awake, there is beer that pours sweet through my lips, truly i am afraid
To be less of meat and stone, truly i am afraid
She says hey, and i say yeah that s a pretty good trick Lights, with no warning
In the darkness, and in the hallway, with the morning
and in the hallway
there is light that pours sweet from new hips
yes and cover my face
Don t you like my newest trick, but lord they re rolling me away, truly i remain
after the cocaine lights
i can hear my own blood clicking
More than ever, but lord they re rolling me away
there is beer that pours sweet through my lips
til the glowing begins
I can hear my own blood clicking, more than ever, in the darkness
i will recover my sense of grace
Truly i am afraid, truly i remain
In the morning in the kitchen, and rediscover my rightful place
i can hear my own blood clicking