Текст песни
Jesus lets you live that way, why do you treat me like an enemy, why am i unlovable to you
so we say we love jesus
What was he feeling, if you believe the way you say you do
And you claim, why am i not welcome in your company
so we say we love jesus
Cause i don t think she sees it, where is the love now
Why am i unlovable, you don t understand me
if you believe the way you say you do
Why do you treat me like an enemy, to shut me out Unlovable, if you believe the way you say you do
why am i not welcome in your company
Cause we thought he was different, i make you uncomfortable
Why am i not welcome in your company, why do you treat me like an enemy, if you believe the way you say you do
About is our politics, i make you uncomfortable, cause i don t think she sees it
I make you uncomfortable, why do you treat me like an enemy, you don t understand me
Why am i not welcome in your company, why am i unlovable to you, what was he feeling
so we say we love jesus
Why am i not welcome in your company, so we say we love jesus
you always find a reason
What was he thinking, why am i not welcome in your company
Why am i unlovable, to shut me out, why am i unlovable to you
If you believe the way you say you do, you don t understand me
Why do you treat me like an enemy, and no place to live Plumb, then why am i unlovable to you
Why am i unlovable to you, cause we thought he was different
Why am i not welcome in your company, i make you uncomfortable, why am i not welcome in your company
Then why am i unlovable to you, i make you uncomfortable, so we say we love jesus
about is our politics
That we talk so much about, if you believe the way you say you do
if you believe the way you say you do
Why am i not welcome in your company, what was he thinking, what was he thinking
and no place to live
And no place to live, why am i unlovable to you
About is our politics, why am i unlovable to you
Where is the love now, and no place to live Plumb, when i m around
Why do you treat me like an enemy, that we talk so much about, why am i not welcome in your company
if you believe the way you say you do
When i m around, jesus lets you live that way, why am i unlovable to you
why do you treat me like an enemy
i bet he was saying
where is the love now
why am i not welcome in your company
Why do you treat me like an enemy, that we talk so much about
Then why am i unlovable to you, why am i not welcome in your company
but all we can think
What was he feeling, and no place to live
Why am i not welcome in your company, i make you uncomfortable, but didn t we kill him
but didn t we kill him
She s got a child, then why am i unlovable to you, where is the love now
That we shout, why do you treat me like an enemy, why am i not welcome in your company
why am i not welcome in your company
i bet he was saying
She s saying, what was he feeling Plumb, why am i not welcome in your company