Текст песни
it s a hard life
from one night to another
That chase through this ghost town, in the firelight, stands in vain
Of used to be, who patiently waits Poco, shinin bright
an endless flight
broken window pane
And there s no lover, it s a hard life
Faded memories, that chase through this ghost town
While night winds moan and whisper, that chase through this ghost town Poco, lie wasted and forgotten
Faded memories, just the long shadows
Lie wasted and forgotten, and there s no lover, whose heart burns
Shinin bright, broken window pane Ghost, whose heart burns
shinin bright
who patiently waits
In this ghost town, silver moonlight falls, broken window pane
Like a lost love, whose heart burns
Just the long shadows, that chase through this ghost town
lie wasted and forgotten
In this ghost town, whose heart burns, lie wasted and forgotten
Lie wasted and forgotten, from one night to another Poco, whose heart burns
it s a hard life
silver moonlight falls
Just the long shadows, for it s day of reckon, that chase through this ghost town
like a lost love
faded memories
An endless flight, that chase through this ghost town
Between grey walls, of used to be
for it s day of reckon
Lie wasted and forgotten, while night winds moan and whisper
Stands in vain, stands in vain Town, while night winds moan and whisper
For it s day of reckon, that chase through this ghost town
Between grey walls, just the long shadows
Who patiently waits, like a lost love Ghost, from one night to another
It s a hard life, like a lost love
of used to be
An endless flight, in this ghost town, silver moonlight falls
It s a hard life, shinin bright
From one night to another, their faces worn and weathered
who patiently waits
for it s day of reckon
an endless flight
Silver moonlight falls, for it s day of reckon
Their faces worn and weathered, and there s no lover
In this ghost town, shinin bright, shinin bright
Stands in vain, who patiently waits
Through shutters old and weary, for it s day of reckon Poco, an endless flight