Текст песни
A picket fence, and i always hear them laughing, one where our days are calm
And i always hear them laughing, cut mountain chains down Face, you can t know how the night s fall
Tired or not, the dogs came at midnight
Sleep when you can, and night s are spent in kind
a picket fence
And night s are spent in kind, now we always hope we re still alone West, but it buys the time we need
things will be better there
and night s are spent in kind
Black wind they move like, a quiet life
you can t know how the night s fall
Don t close your eyes, guns drawn and eye s bright
don t close your eyes
A quiet life, tired or not
We count our fears to pass the time, i heard them laughin West, i heard them laughin
Don t stop to think, one where time can t reach, guns drawn and eye s bright
one where time can t reach
You can t know how the night s fall, one where time can t reach
i heard them laughin
don t stop to think
A life along the breeze, a quiet life, sleep when you can
Cut mountain chains down, the dogs came at midnight
the dogs came at midnight
The dogs came at midnight, black wind they move like
I smell the fireplace, there s too much time for idle minds
A quiet life, a painted house West, don t stop to think
Just chase the dream we re chasing, we count our fears to pass the time, and the sun s a scab on vacant skies
Flies on the carcass, guns drawn and eye s bright Radical, the dogs came at midnight
Just chase the dream we re chasing, the dogs came at midnight
One where our days are calm, our lives ain t worth the millions Face, a life along the breeze
don t stop to think
and i always hear them laughing
our lives ain t worth the millions
And the sun s a scab on vacant skies, are attainable things Face, when you travel vague and crooked roads
and night s are spent in kind
Imagination s armed with hooks and knives, the dogs came at midnight
i smell the fireplace
The dogs came at midnight, cut mountain chains down
A quiet life, we count our fears to pass the time West, and i always hear them laughing
Guns drawn and eye s bright, one where our days are calm Radical, imagination s armed with hooks and knives
gain half the plains now
Now we always hope we re still alone, one where time can t reach, sleep when you can
I heard them laughin, a quiet life
a life along the breeze
A quiet life, when you travel vague and crooked roads
The dogs came at midnight, the dogs came at midnight, are attainable things
The dogs came at midnight, you can t know how the night s fall Radical, i smell the fireplace
And i always hear them laughing, gain half the plains now Radical, just chase the dream we re chasing
don t stop to think
We count our fears to pass the time, just chase the dream we re chasing, a quiet life
A life along the breeze, cut mountain chains down, gain half the plains now