Текст песни
And we sat down right there and i pulled out my guitar, with my toes tapping in the sand
Nothing like just doing, absolutely woo-hoo-hoo nothing
I wrote a song bout absolutely nothing, with my toes tapping in the sand
Every now and then, all day long Nothing, and i was poppin tops and i popped a string
We were just a-touchin toes, and i swung a little gravel rock
and i was poppin tops and i popped a string
? i m in a cool cool breeze, nothing like just doing
Nothing like just doing, she sang along, absolutely woo-hoo-hoo nothing
and we sat down right there and i pulled out my guitar
All day long, she sang along Houser, absolutely nothing woo-hoo-hoo
Absolutely woo-hoo-hoo nothing, she sang along, nothing like just doing
Absolutely nothing woo-hoo-hoo, we weren t sayin a word Houser, i wrote a song bout absolutely nothing
I backed my chevrolet out the driveway straight to the station, nothing like just doing, absolutely nothing woo-hoo-hoo
We were ? without our eyes closed, filled it up with gas
absolutely woo-hoo-hoo nothing
burnin out that parking lot
she gave me a smile
Burnin out that parking lot, nothing like just doing Randy, a mountain dew and a slim jim
i wrote a song bout absolutely nothing
absolutely nothing woo-hoo-hoo
Just me and my baby humming, just me and my baby humming, grabbed my seat
nothing like just doing
Absolutely nothing woo-hoo-hoo, and a couple of ice cold beers too
I wrote a song bout absolutely nothing, found a long dirt road and the perfect river spot
With my toes tapping in the sand, i wrote a song bout absolutely nothing, nothing like just doing
just me and my baby humming
Absolutely nothing woo-hoo-hoo, grabbed my seat, absolutely nothing woo-hoo-hoo
And broke out them beach chains, nothing like just doing
Just me and my baby humming, absolutely nothing woo-hoo-hoo
And a couple of ice cold beers too, and i was poppin tops and i popped a string, absolutely nothing woo-hoo-hoo
Neither one of us was sayin a word, and i swung a little gravel rock, neither one of us was sayin a word
And broke out them beach chains, i wrote a song bout absolutely nothing
Absolutely nothing woo-hoo-hoo, grabbed a bag of ice, i wrote a song bout absolutely nothing
And we sat down right there and i pulled out my guitar, absolutely nothing woo-hoo-hoo
And i swung a little gravel rock, absolutely nothing woo-hoo-hoo Randy, we were ? without our eyes closed
She sang along, we were just a-touchin toes
Absolutely nothing woo-hoo-hoo, nothing like just doing
burnin out that parking lot
Absolutely nothing woo-hoo-hoo, i wrote a song bout absolutely nothing, i wrote a song bout absolutely nothing
i backed my chevrolet out the driveway straight to the station
Absolutely nothing woo-hoo-hoo, she sang along Randy, absolutely nothing woo-hoo-hoo
absolutely nothing woo-hoo-hoo
With my toes tapping in the sand, i wrote a song bout absolutely nothing
Grabbed a bag of ice, a mountain dew and a slim jim
I wrote a song bout absolutely nothing, neither one of us was sayin a word Houser, with my toes tapping in the sand
i wrote a song bout absolutely nothing
neither one of us was sayin a word
and i swung a little gravel rock
With my toes tapping in the sand, yeah man that sun must ve been a hundred degrees
burnin out that parking lot
started strumming on it
And a couple of ice cold beers too, absolutely woo-hoo-hoo nothing
every now and then
She gave me a smile, all day long Houser, nothing like just doing
And i was poppin tops and i popped a string, we weren t sayin a word
i wrote a song bout absolutely nothing