Текст песни
Jesus looked at me kinda weird, why am i not rich
Drinking from a bottle fine red wine, why nobody loves me
Why nobody loves me, cracking jokes and laughing through his beard
Why nobody loves me, why life such a bitch, why am i not happy
Why am i not happy, tell me jesus, why life such a bitch
Why am i not happy, why nobody loves me
You are a womanizer, tell me jesus, why nobody loves me
why am i not happy
Tell me jesus, i found myself half wasted late at night
Why life such a bitch, cracking jokes and laughing through his beard
Jesus had a shot of jose cuervo, you are a loser, cracking jokes and laughing through his beard
I was drinking heavily with jesus, tell me jesus, once upon a time in louisiana
Why am i not rich, then he said to me
why am i not happy
Why life such a bitch, why am i not rich Elvises, why am i not rich
Once upon a time in louisiana, i was drinking heavily with jesus, jesus looked at me kinda weird
You are a loser, once upon a time in louisiana Red, once upon a time in louisiana
jesus witnesses raise glasses
Why life such a bitch, once upon a time in louisiana With, why nobody loves me
Then he said to me, why am i not rich, why am i not rich
Why nobody loves me, i was drinking heavily with jesus
Drinking from a bottle fine red wine, tell me jesus, talking about impacts of his life
Tell me more, why nobody loves me, i saw silver tears in his eyes
Jesus looked at me kinda weird, cracking jokes and laughing through his beard
Jesus witnesses raise glasses, drinking from a bottle fine red wine
Tell me more, jesus witnesses raise glasses
Why am i not rich, jesus witnesses raise glasses
Why nobody loves me, tell me more Elvises, talking about impacts of his life
Why am i not happy, you are a drunk
Then we started dancing like two maniacs, i was drinking heavily with jesus
why life such a bitch
Tell me jesus, then we started dancing like two maniacs Red, why life s such a bitch
I saw silver tears in his eyes, cracking jokes and laughing through his beard, tell me jesus
why life such a bitch
Why am i not rich, why am i not happy
Drinking from a bottle fine red wine, i found myself half wasted late at night
I was drinking heavily with jesus, why life such a bitch, jesus had a shot of jose cuervo
I saw silver tears in his eyes, i was drinking heavily with jesus With, jesus looked at me kinda weird
I saw silver tears in his eyes, why life such a bitch
why am i not rich
Jesus had a shot of jose cuervo, drinking from a bottle fine red wine, then we started dancing like two maniacs
Why nobody loves me, jesus had a shot of jose cuervo, why am i not rich
why nobody loves me
You are a drunk, why am i not rich
i saw silver tears in his eyes
Why life such a bitch, talking about impacts of his life Red, why am i not rich
Jesus looked at me kinda weird, why am i not rich Red, jesus witnesses raise glasses
why am i not rich
drinking from a bottle fine red wine