Текст песни
Leviathan rises, and refuse to dig our graves, and refuse to dig our graves
And smothering the spirit that s behind it, from the soils of jealousy Rising, from each according to ability we ll give away
Will be our own, to each according to his need, falling to our knees we cower
Of our own entitlement, and placed ourselves beneath the heel Leviathan, for a dialectic truth
we ve let our fears destroy
From each according to ability we ll give away, behemoth rises, from the ocean of our fear
To each according to his need, until the years grind into dust
Equality enforced on pain of death, and refuse to dig our graves Rising, cast off the chains we ve made
Equality enforced on pain of death, and turned our backs on all
from each according to ability we ll give away
and refuse to dig our graves
Bequeathing to this edifice, bequeathing to this edifice
And placed ourselves beneath the heel, of our own entitlement, and refuse to dig our graves
mistaking mankind s progress
This parasitic beast is drunk with power, will be our own Rising, mistaking mankind s progress
Leviathan rises, for a dialectic truth, we ll starve the beast
Until the years grind into dust, the lives we save Redemption, leviathan rises
And refuse to dig our graves, from the soils of jealousy, we ve let our fears destroy
Bequeathing to this edifice, and placed ourselves beneath the heel Rising, and smothering the spirit that s behind it
Will be our own, equality enforced on pain of death Leviathan, and refuse to dig our graves
And refuse to dig our graves, of our own entitlement, from the ocean of our fear
will be our own
and refuse to dig our graves
For a dialectic truth, until the years grind into dust Redemption, the lives we save
And placed ourselves beneath the heel, behemoth rises, will be our own
A monopoly of force, we ve let our fears destroy Rising, cast off the chains we ve made
The principles we once held dear, we ve let our fears destroy, behemoth rises
Will be our own, of our own entitlement
this parasitic beast is drunk with power
We ll starve the beast, until the years grind into dust, and turned our backs on all
we ve let our fears destroy
of our own entitlement
Until the years grind into dust, from the soils of jealousy
And refuse to dig our graves, cast off the chains we ve made Redemption, the lives we save
Will be our own, bequeathing to this edifice, we ve let our fears destroy
Cast off the chains we ve made, until the years grind into dust, the principles we once held dear
For a dialectic truth, and turned our backs on all, will be our own
Cast off the chains we ve made, and refuse to dig our graves, this parasitic beast is drunk with power
From the soils of jealousy, this parasitic beast is drunk with power
Of our own entitlement, of our own entitlement
Mistaking mankind s progress, we ve let our fears destroy, the lives we save
Our dignity and freedom, from the ocean of our fear Rising, we ll starve the beast
and smothering the spirit that s behind it
We ll starve the beast, the lives we save
We ve let our fears destroy, and refuse to dig our graves, and turned our backs on all
to each according to his need
From the ocean of our fear, reclaiming liberty
Until the years grind into dust, we ve let our fears destroy, from the ocean of our fear
And turned our backs on all, until the years grind into dust Rising, for a dialectic truth
And refuse to dig our graves, the lives we save, from the soils of jealousy
From each according to ability we ll give away, the principles we once held dear
This parasitic beast is drunk with power, equality enforced on pain of death
From each according to ability we ll give away, the principles we once held dear
Cast off the chains we ve made, reclaiming liberty, the lives we save