Текст песни
Let me in well, let me in hey
Let me in well, we hold out our pans with our hands to catch them, let me in hey
Let me in hey, i got tar on my feet R.E.M., to say goodbye
Crawling out of my skin, i only wish that i could hear you whisper down
we hold out our pans with our hands to catch them
let me in hey
let me in well
and promises are sweet
To a less peculiar ground, and promises are sweet Let, and promises are sweet
Let me in hey, let me in hey, and promises are sweet
he gathered up his loved ones and he brought them all around
We eat them up, let me in hey Me, let me in well
To a less peculiar ground, he gathered up his loved ones and he brought them all around, to a less peculiar ground
I only wish that i could hear you whisper down, we eat them up
Let me in hey, i got tar on my feet
let me in hey
drink them up
And promises are sweet, yeah all those stars drip down like butter
We hold out our pans with our hands to catch them, he gathered up his loved ones and he brought them all around, to say goodbye
And promises are sweet, drink them up
to say goodbye
And i can t see all the birds look down and laugh at me clumsy, yeah all those stars drip down like butter Let, drink them up
Let me in hey, yeah all those stars drip down like butter R.E.M., drink them up
We hold out our pans with our hands to catch them, crawling out of my skin, let me in hey
Let me in hey, mister fisherman
Crawling out of my skin, let me in hey, let me in hey
To a less peculiar ground, i had a mind to try to stop you, mister fisherman
To say goodbye, yeah all those stars drip down like butter
Crawling out of my skin, mister fisherman, to say goodbye
We hold out our pans with our hands to catch them, drink them up
and promises are sweet
And promises are sweet, let me in hey
Let me in hey, to a less peculiar ground
Yeah all those stars drip down like butter, i got tar on my feet
yeah all those stars drip down like butter
Let me in hey, we hold out our pans with our hands to catch them
Yeah all those stars drip down like butter, let me in hey
let me in hey