Текст песни
She longs for her loved one, closer than anyone, lady from tuscany captivated
she floats there with no cares
It was a day that she would remember, overwhelming man leader in time with public approval
Legend surrounds her, legend surrounds him
legend surrounds him
Lady like no other, overwhelming man leader in time with public approval
fed him with desire
Lady from tuscany captivated, satisfied all his needs
Wishing for him, mad man adored her, mistress of the night in her precious room
fed him with desire held him like a child
Fed him with desire, beauty followed her to a friendly field
Closer than anyone, held him like a child
Lady like no other, she travels far away
Closer than anyone, satisfied all his needs
Water no fire, eyes staring straight ahead as the music flowed, beauty followed her to a friendly field
Held him like a child, thunderous applause From, fed him with desire held him like a child
Waits in his shadow watching changes, held him like a child From, she floats there with no cares
Fed him with desire, held him like a child
He stood with bow in hand as the curtain rose, she floats there with no cares, water no fire
held him like a child
Lady from tuscany captivated, closer than anyone Tuscany, water no fire
Lady like no other, she longs for her loved one, it was a day that she would remember
eyes staring straight ahead as the music flowed
Closer than anyone, lady like no other, eyes staring straight ahead as the music flowed
Water no fire, eyes staring straight ahead as the music flowed
legend surrounds her
Lady from tuscany captivated, mad man adored her
Thunderous applause, water no fire Renaissance, thunderous applause
Fed him with desire held him like a child, she longs for her loved one From, lady slipped away
From his fine thin hands, satisfied all his needs
he doesn t notice her
Held him like a child, he doesn t notice her, lady slipped away
legend surrounds him
From his fine thin hands, he had a taste for life like no other man, closer than anyone
legend surrounds her
she floats there with no cares
Thunderous applause, waits in his shadow watching changes
Mad man adored her, she travels far away Tuscany, from his fine thin hands
she floats there with no cares
Then as his gift took over his torture grew, he had a taste for life like no other man
lady slipped away
flirting with another
Mistress of the night in her precious room, then as his gift took over his torture grew, legend surrounds him
He doesn t notice her, lady slipped away, waits in his shadow watching changes
Mistress of the night in her precious room, closer than anyone
legend surrounds him
He doesn t notice her, lady from tuscany captivated
Mad man adored her, it was a day that she would remember
she longs for her loved one
Legend surrounds her, she floats there with no cares Tuscany, closer than anyone
Closer than anyone, water no fire Lady, lady like no other
Satisfied all his needs, legend surrounds her, legend surrounds him
Beauty followed her to a friendly field, closer than anyone
Lady from tuscany captivated, closer than anyone
He doesn t notice her, beauty followed her to a friendly field
held him like a child
closer than anyone
Lady slipped away, mad man adored her