Текст песни
Welcome to a revolution, welcome to a revolution Virtuality, welcome to a revolution
breathe and experience now
cause i feel like i ve been but in my place
Might strike, surviving s not a game Reset, welcome to a revolution
And yet again, cause i feel like i ve been but in my place
I don t know if i m really strong enough, a new way of living, and face something virtual
Where life can be explained, cause i feel like i ve been but in my place
I don t know if i m really strong enough, welcome to a new dimension Reset, i don t if i will survive inside
I don t know if i m really strong enough, cause i feel like i ve been but in my place, it might strike
Where life is not a game, a feeling that i cannot describe
Might strike, a world without regulation Reset, and face something virtual
a world without limitation
It might strike, where life can be explained
Welcome to a revolution, it might strike Reset, i feel like i ve never felt before
Welcome to a revolution, a world without limitation
cause i feel like i ve been but in my place
Where life can be explained, welcome to a new dimension
surviving s not a game
where life can be explained
Welcome to a revolution, breathe and experience now Virtuality, a new way of living
Where life is not a game, follow the new dimension Reset, follow the new dimension
Follow the new dimension, surviving s not a game
Cause i feel like i ve been but in my place, and yet again
Might strike, welcome to a new dimension Reset, where people aren t the same
Where things are not the same, a new way of living
Where people aren t the same, surviving s not a game Virtuality, where life is not a game
i feel like i ve never felt before
where life can be explained
Follow the new dimension, and yet again, a world without regulation
surviving s not a game
I feel like i ve never felt before, i feel like i ve never felt before
A new way of living, a feeling that i cannot describe Virtuality, where things are not the same
a world without limitation
Where things are not the same, where things are not the same
I don t if i will survive inside, a feeling that i cannot describe Virtuality, a new way of living
A world without limitation, where life can be explained
Welcome to a revolution, a new way of living, where life can be explained
a feeling that i cannot describe
and face something virtual
Breathe and experience now, cause sometimes virtuality Reset, a feeling that i cannot describe
welcome to a revolution
Where life can be explained, a world without regulation
A new way of living, welcome to a revolution, cause i feel like i ve been but in my place
A new way of living, a world without limitation, where things are not the same
A feeling that i cannot describe, breathe and experience now
Welcome to a new dimension, breathe and experience now