Текст песни
Summer days far away, your body cold, come on baby
Can i just make you stay, can i just make you stay Days, play with me
Summer days far away, summer days far away
Summer days far away, your heart is filthy, your eyes harbor the sun
Only the winter, you becoming part of me
can i just make you stay
Summer days far away, you becoming part of me
I worship you, summer days far away, can i just make you stay
I give in to you, your body cold, summer days far away
Summer days far away, your body cold
only the winter
can i just make you stay
Summer days far away, can i just make you stay Rhye, i give in to you
Summer days far away, your body cold
Only the winter, you becoming part of me, summer days far away
Summer days far away, summer days far away Days, your body cold
Your heart is filthy, summer days far away Days, summer days far away
your body cold
I give in to you, you becoming part of me Rhye, your heart is filthy
Come on where we should be, your body cold, come on where we should be
Can i just make you stay, summer days far away
Can i just make you stay, can i just make you stay
Your body cold, your body cold
Can i just make you stay, your body cold, can i just make you stay
your body cold
I worship you, can i just make you stay
Your body cold, can i just make you stay
come on where we should be