Текст песни
Let s go home, give it to me, you wouldn t even talk to me
when i was high as the sky
Give it to me baby give it to me baby, give it to me
yoooooo hoah aww
Give it to me, you say i m so crazy
Give it to me what you say, give it to me what you say
I betcha i ll make ya hot like you had enough, you wouldn t make love to me, you say i m so crazy
That funky stuff say what, you say i m so crazy, give it to me baby give it to me baby
Give it to me what you say, you went fast asleep
Give it to me, give it to me
I betcha i ll make ya hot like you had enough, give it to me, that funky stuff say what
Give me that stuff, you went fast asleep, give it to me baby give to me baby
I betcha i ll make you hot like you had enough, i say wait til i squeeze you oh It, give me that stuff
Give me that stuff, give it to me, give it to me what you say
give it to me hey girl
Give it to me what you say, you say i m so crazy
I betcha i ll make ya hot like you had enough, give to me baby, give it to me hey
I said i just wanna love ya, give it to me, out all night just dancing
you say how can i love ya?
Give it to me, give it to me baby give it to me baby, give it to me
When i was high as the sky, give it to me
When your body keeps on moving, give it to me It, yoooooo hoah aww
Give it to me what you say, give it to me
When i was high as the sky, you went fast asleep
Give me that stuff, i said i just wanna love ya
let s go home
I betcha i ll make ya hot like you had enough, maybe then you ll start to groovin
When i was high as the sky, give it to me baby give it to me baby
Give it to me baby give to me baby, give it to me what you say To, give me that stuff
that funky stuff say what
give it to me
I betcha i ll make ya hot like you had enough, you wouldn t even talk to me Rick, just give it to me baby
that funky stuff say what
out all night just dancing
Give it to me, how can i love you baby
i betcha i ll make ya hot like you had enough
Give it to me baby give it to me baby, give it to me baby give it to me baby
Give it to me, give me that stuff, i betcha i ll make ya hot like you had enough
Give it to me baby give it to me baby, you say let s go home c mon rick, just give it to me baby
give it to me
Give me that stuff, give it to me, when your body keeps on moving
I just wanna love you baby, give me that stuff
Maybe then you ll start to groovin, give it to me baby give it to me baby
Give it to me, give it to me Give, give it to me
I betcha i ll make ya hot like you had enough, give it to me, give it to me
You wouldn t even talk to me, give it to me baby give to me baby
Yoooooh hooo aww, i betcha i ll make ya hot like you had enough It, give it to me baby give it to me baby
Give it to me, give it to me what you say Rick, give it to me hey
give it to me
How can i love you baby, when i was high as the sky It, give it to me
Give it to me, give me that stuff
Give it to me, i betcha i ll make you hot like you had enough Me, guess that s why i m so elated c mon girl
I betcha i ll make ya hot like you had enough, give it to me what you say, that s the time i start romancin
Give it to me, give it to me baby give it to me baby, give it to me
You say i m so crazy, i betcha i ll make you hot like you had enough To, give it to me
Give it to me what you say, how can i love you baby It, that funky stuff say what
maybe then you ll start to groovin
give it to me what you say
give it to me what you say
Give it to me baby give it to me baby, you wouldn t make love to me It, give it to me