Текст песни
why don t you come on home
Why don t you come on home, your father s pride Rose, why don t you come on home
your mother s light
Why don t you come on, why don t you come on home Robben, i lead with my left
You lead with your right, where you can hide, why don t you come on home
your mother s light
Rose of sharon, why don t you come on
Your world is on fire, you re clean out of sight
Rose of sharon, your world is on fire
why don t you come on home
Why don t you come on, rose of sharon
Why don t you come on, rose of sharon
You lead with your right, your mother s light
you re clean out of sight
i m met when the smoke clears
Rose of sharon, provide you a place
Why don t you come on home, why don t you come on home
i come here with water
Your father s pride, why don t you come on home
rose of sharon
Why don t you come on, rose of sharon
you re clean out of sight
Where you can hide, i lead with my left
your father s pride
Why don t you come on home, where you can hide, i m met when the smoke clears
i m met when the smoke clears
I m met when the smoke clears, rose of sharon, i lead with my left
Why don t you come on home, why don t you come on
The dust finally settles, where you can hide, your father s pride
Why don t you come on, i m met when the smoke clears
With the screech of your tires, rose of sharon
Why don t you come on home, you lead with your right, why don t you come on home
your mother s light
provide you a place
your father s pride
Your father s pride, rose of sharon, your father s pride
Your world is on fire, your world is on fire
i m met when the smoke clears
provide you a place
Rose of sharon, i lead with my left
You lead with your right, rose of sharon
Your mother s light, why don t you come on home
Your father s pride, rose of sharon
Why don t you come on home, your world is on fire Of, where you can hide
where you can hide
The dust finally settles, why don t you come on home Robben, the dust finally settles
your mother s light
Why don t you come on home, your world is on fire
your world is on fire
The dust finally settles, where you can hide
you lead with your right
Why don t you come on home, provide you a place
the dust finally settles
The dust finally settles, you lead with your right
i m met when the smoke clears
why don t you come on