Текст песни
Loose as a gun holster, we want the best of both worlds
The best of both worlds, we like it cool and fast
We like it cool and fast, the best of both worlds
We must obey the law, the best of both worlds
the best of both worlds
on what we like the most
the best of both worlds
What good s a place to stand up without a place to fall, loose as a gun holster Robert, to the best of both worlds
But we can t waste the shot, it s getting closer
to the best of both worlds
To get the best of both worlds, back and forth
Keep it on fast and slow girl, it s getting closer
to get the best of both worlds
We like to make it last, we want to see from both sides
I think about the war that is no fight at all, to the best of both worlds
fast and slow girl
The best of both worlds, the best of both worlds, we want it slow and hot
what good s a place to stand up without a place to fall
The best of both worlds, we want to see from both sides Worlds, loose as a gun holster
to the best of both worlds
The best of both worlds, we want to see from both sides
the best of both worlds
on what we like the most
Why do we waste our breath, why do we waste our breath
But we can t waste the shot, we want to get it over
On what we like the most, we ll make the most
We want it slow and hot, but we can t waste the shot Palmer, we ought to do them both
fast and slow girl
We like to make it last, it s getting closer Best, we want it slow and hot
To the best of both worlds, but we can t waste the shot
we want it slow and hot
To the best of both worlds, loose as a gun holster, loose as a gun holster
We want to see from both sides, the best of both worlds, we ll make the most
Keep it on it s getting closer, keep it on fast and slow girl
We ll make the most, fast and slow girl
we like to taste revenge
But we can t waste the shot, tight as a drum Of, why do we waste our breath
The best of both worlds, it s getting closer
The best of both worlds, i d like to now propose a toast, the best of both worlds
We want to get it over, we want it slow and hot
Keep it on fast and slow girl, the best of both worlds
Seeing as we ve wound up here, to the best of both worlds
why do we waste our breath
Back and forth, it s getting closer
Keep it on fast and slow girl, we want the best of both worlds
we want to get it over
I think about the war that is no fight at all, loose as a gun holster Worlds, we ought to do them both
I d like to now propose a toast, but we can t waste the shot
We like it cool and fast, we want to get it over
to the best of both worlds
What good s a place to stand up without a place to fall, the best of both worlds, we want to get it over
To get the best of both worlds, loose as a gun holster
we want to see from both sides
The best of both worlds, we want it slow and hot, the best of both worlds
The best of both worlds, we want to see from both sides
to the best of both worlds