Текст песни
I do your honor, i got criminal intent
somebody alert the authorities
I mma say it again, i don t have any priors
State your full name for the record, i object most strongly judge Robyn, conspiracy to engage in lewd and indecent acts and events
I need to get down down, somebody alert the authorities
I object most strongly judge, somebody alert the authorities Robyn, have some fun
I mma wind it, i got criminal intent
conspiracy to engage in lewd and indecent acts and events
i got criminal intent
I mma say it again, i mma wind it
stole my voucher for court clothes
She s got criminal intent, i got criminal intent
somebody alert the authorities
I mma wind it, they played my song Criminal, somebody alert the authorities
conspiracy to engage in lewd and indecent acts and events
I mma say it again, conspiracy to engage in lewd and indecent acts and events
I don t have any priors, i got criminal intent, do you wish to say anything before the sentence is imposed
I got criminal intent, i got criminal intent
i mma say it again
i got criminal intent
conspiracy to engage in lewd and indecent acts and events
and some snitch punk at legal aid
How s that something you get incarcerated for, i mma say it again
Conspiracy to engage in lewd and indecent acts and events, somebody alert the authorities, i mma say it again
I mma say it again, state your full name for the record Robyn, i mma wind it
criminal intent
She s got criminal intent, i object most strongly judge
Criminal intent, will the defendant please rise
she s got criminal intent
i object most strongly judge
i mma wind it
Somebody alert the authorities, somebody alert the authorities Robyn, they played my song
i got criminal intent
I got criminal intent, somebody alert the authorities
criminal intent
She s got criminal intent, somebody alert the authorities
I got criminal intent, i mma wind it Criminal, i mma wind it
them cuffs down at county
somebody alert the authorities
Somebody alert the authorities, she s got criminal intent, i mma say it again
I mma say it again, i got criminal intent
i mma say it again
I got criminal intent, i object most strongly judge Robyn, i got criminal intent
I mma wind it, somebody alert the authorities
i mma wind it
I mma wind it, y-yo-yo judge Intent, somebody alert the authorities